Hair Loss-Did you have it?
Yep, I have hair loss. my hair was below my shoulders when I had surgery... as it got thinner, it helped to cut it and keep it shaped up!
I tried the Nioxin and the Biotin.... neither hepled me.
I have kept it sort of short since last spring...Now,its just below my ears... . still thinner than last year at this time. I am hoping it will be growing back in thick, I seem to be getting some thickness in the back regrowth now...
I dont think there is nothing you can do about it. I am in my 4 month when I bathe the tub is full of hair when drained. I dont take nothing for It I think it would be a waste of money. My hair is very thick so I havent had any problems as of yet. It is suppose to stop losing around the 6th month. I would say just keep the protein in and sweat it out. But there is a positive out look. My nails are so long and strong for the first time ever. I save money on manicures now.
Take Care
I am three months post op and I have lost at least half of my hair volume. Luckily my hair was very thick and I could stand to lose it:however, I am still losing it-rapidly! I am using the Nioxin and it doesn't seem to be slowing down the process, but then again it may. Some people dont lose as much I am but it is one side affect to WLS.

Hi Barb, I had hair loss a little later i started at about 6 months and just recently quit. It just got thinner filling the shower drain and such. They say just keep your water and expecially your protein up and this will help. By the way i am your neighbor i live in Berlin Center member of Eagles in salem and have alot of friends in Salem. Any thing i can do to help or any ?s or concerns u have feel free to email me. Good luck on your journey.