Recumbent Bike and Cheese
Hi everyone!
Hope you are enjoying our wonderful (?) Ohio weather. Snow today; beachwear tomorrow.
Seriously, does anyone out there use a recumbent bike? What model/make do you have? I thinking about getting one for home. I saw the Consumer Reports story but don't really want to pay $1400 for the "best". Anyone have the Schwinn which was cheaper and second best?
Topic two: Cheese. I thought this would be a great lunch for school. Little individual packages of colby with saltines...WRONG! Any thoughts on convincing cheese that it is my friend?
By the way, did I tell you how great my doctor is?
Oh, and my pants are too big...........

No help on the bike but I can tell you that it took my body months to finally start accepting cheese again. Its only been in the last 3 months or so that I can eat it again. Its a great feeling when those pants get to big isn't it? I do bike riding at the gym that I belong to. If you wanna sweat..try riding a bike submerged in water! Its a pain in the butt...literally!

Cincinnati does have some crazy weather. And yes we all know how wonderful Dr.Curry is. After 18 months I really miss seeing the whole group. I hear it has changed quite a bit though. I am sure glad Erin is still there . I am going to have to get a bike too but will it help my arms too? I need something for my arms and stomach. I am really upset because I have gained 5 lbs and can't seem to get it off. I guess everyone was right at 18 months the party is over lol. Today I just will do protien and water and see what happens. Any advice would be greatly appreciated by someone who is 2 years or more out. Love,Cindy
I do the ab roller it works on my arms back stomach and waist. I also do the ab lounge and the thigh master and the bar bells.. I do the tread mill 30 min for walking ( If it is nice out the dog walks me) and the elliptical 20 min. I really dont think I will need no plastics. These excercises are working every thing well My stomach is going to do great. If I get anything I will get some injections on lines on my face. Or do something with my face. To me face is number one. Really the 5 pounds isnt really alot to gain. If you can just play with that 5 pounds lose it and gain it. You will be fine. I have heard it is normal to gain alittle of the weight back.
Cindy I know you dont excercise much. I think you will bennifit from it
Love Barb
Here is a site for the brand that I have
Hope this is of some help