hair loss imfo
Hi everyone, I might have some news for those who are temperarliy losing our hair. Last night my niece got married and their hair dresser was there. He told me about a product named toppik, . It comes in a can and he had it in his hair and to me he looked like he had a full head of hair. You sprinkle on you scalp and it just looks like its hair. I just ordered a small can and I will let you know when it comes. I am very excited. I just thought I would pass this on, Love,CIndy
Hey all , Toppik is an awesome product i have been familier with it for several years now and we have quite a few ladies at our shop who use it .. it can take some one with pretty sparse hair and fill it in quite nicely im suprised i didnt think of it when you posted about hair loss before ... its a blonde thing i guesss !!!LOL Missy

Ellen, it wears quite well most of our ladies who use it only get thier hair done once a week it comes in this lil salt shaker type bottle and ya just sprinkle it on you do need to lock it in with some hairspray but that holds it quite well and a jar will last forever ... depending on how often you do your hair hope this info helps Missy