Just venting
As I enter my ninth month of jumping through hoops to get my insurance exclusion overturned, I am just amazed how much of this comes down to flat out discrimination.
This week, I examined the policy manuals of seven different plans, hoping to find one that covered this surgery. None, all 7 had exclusions! BUT, the good news is....one of them pays for counseling for those who have substance abuse problems! Sarcasm.
So basically, most insurance pays to treat lung cancer when someone has smoked all their life, liver disease when someone has been an alcoholic all their life, I dont know...how about a back injury because someone has been a trapeze artist all their life!!!!
No disrespect to ANYONE who has one of these diseases, that's not where I am going...there are A LOT of things that we get coverage for that we directly or indirectly helped "cause". But, it is when we are OBESE that they get picky about excluding medical coverage because we caused it (well yes and no)...but it just ticks me off!
A disease is a disease! Whether you have a substance abuse related disease or are dying from obesity related diseases. It is pure discrimination!
Until we can convince them that we asking them to cover a proven treatment for erradicating diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, and a million other things, we are going nowhere with this fight!
I totally can relate!
When I was researching my insurance - I found that WLS was excluded but that they would cover 3 stints in rehab if I got myself addicted to drugs. Maybe I should have taken that path to getting skinny - at least my insurance would have paid for it!! *rolling eyes dramatically*
It's all a joke.
Really drug rehab saved my daughters life. I thank god they cover that. drug and alcohol and obeisty are all three very serious problems and they all need covered. I am so grateful my daughter has been in recovery for almost 2 years. Drugs can control your life just like food.. I am not sure if you have ever dealt with a drug addict. It is a very hard thing to deal with. Especailly if it is one of your own.
Take Care
I am so sorry you had to deal with that situation and I am SO VERY grateful that your daughter received the help she needed. I am not at all saying that my insurance shouldn't cover rehab, I am simply saying "how can they fully cover 3 separate rehab stints and not help obese people save their lives?" It doesn't make sense to me at ALL. I think it's hypocritical and I agree it all needs to be covered. I definitely did not mean it other way and I am sorry if it came out that way.

I didnt take it in a bad way. I know the insurance should cover this. Beleive me it saved my life. It did. Rehab saved my daughters life. I am thankful for what they did for her. Beleive me I couldnt do it alone. She was self distructive it got really bad hit rock bottom/ Lost a mangers job paying $35000.00 a year. I took her kids from her and raised them for 1 year. When I did that that is when she relized she lost everything and got the help she needed. I got the courts involved and made her life a nightmare. Raising 2 young boys was really hard on me and this happened after my heart attack. I just got strenght from god. Now she is in beauty school and only cares about her children and her future. She is doing wonderful. She is a wonderful mother. Thank god. I am just making it a point we all need help. Insurance should not pay for one and not the other. This surgery was the best thing that happened to me.