OSU Support Group
Hi Cindy, the best advise I can give you is follow your doctors advise. Take your vitamins, watch what you eat and drink. I recently started logging my intake and workout activities on www.fitday.com it's really helpful.
I lost the weight I wanted to and thought to myself this is easy. Then I changed jobs from a very active position to an office desk position. The next thing I knew I had gained 44 pounds. I have lost some and continue to work on getting back down to where I want to be. I have also joined an athletic club in hopes that this will also help me tone up and lose the weight.
I am now pursuing the plastic surgery side. I was recently denied the tummy tuck and breast lift procedures. I have sent in my appeal along with more graphic digital photos in color and a new letter from my family physician that is very detailed and specific. He tells me he will do what ever he can to make this happen for me and I believe him..we have been friends for a long time.
Looking back I wish I had become involved in a local support group, started a fitness program from the start, logged my food & liquid intake as well as taken my recommended vitamins. I am certain it would have prevented the weight gain. Lucky for me I am determined to succeed. I hope this helps.