Checking out WLS
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 4:59 pm - Westerville, OH
on 1/7/06 4:59 pm - Westerville, OH
Thanks Sandra
I am already leaning toward OSU. I work weird hours. I do 4 - 10 hour days (I leave home at 11 am and get home 11pm Sun/Mon/Weds/Thur) and I am worried that I will not be able to attend required programs and appointments. My work is not very flexible. That is another reason I was concerned about how much time I will be off work for actual surgery/recovery. I had lap gall bladder surgery a few years ago and walked in and out of hospital in 4 hours!!!!!!!!!! I had a pretty easy recovery even! So I am hoping I will qualify for lap with this. Thanks for your info and support.

(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 4:59 pm - Westerville, OH
on 1/7/06 4:59 pm - Westerville, OH
Thanks Julie
I think OSU will be the choice. Can you tell me a little more about what all they (OSU) will require of me as far as classes and things? I work a weird schedule and heard that OSU requires you to attend 6 weeks of nutrition classes pre op?
Hugs back

Hi Susan,
Have you considered the Lap-Band? It's not for everyone, but the results are good and it has fewer risks. I know that Anthem does cover it now. I'm not from Columbus so I can't help you with local doctors. I live close to Dayton and went to Cincy to find the doc that matched my needs. Be sure to do your research into different surgeries and different docs. This is a life changing decision and you need to be sure that you understand all the options and their risks. I'm happy with my decision of the Lap-Band, but I know many people who are just as happy with their decision for RNY. Good Luck..Cathy
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 4:59 pm - Westerville, OH
on 1/7/06 4:59 pm - Westerville, OH
Hi Cathy P
I was reading about the lap band. I don't know if I can be disciplined enough for that. On New Years eve I watched WLS on tv and they said it was for "thinking people" ... hmmmmmm. I am out of control. I eat WAY TOO MUCH and it has to stop! I will also consider this.

Cathy is right. Do some research on the different procedures. RNY is the most common, but LapBand and DS are gaining more popularity, too.
Only you can make the decision of which surgery is best for you, but don't do it blindly. Check the forums for the specific procedures and see what they post about. Feel free to post your own questions to them, too. Check the procedure links and he benefits/risks.
Check with your insurance company and see what their requirements are. Some only want you going to one place or want you to jump through some hoops. Also ask what procedures they will cover.
I hope this helps. Good luck on your discovery journey.

(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 4:58 pm - Westerville, OH
on 1/7/06 4:58 pm - Westerville, OH
Hi Valerie ... thanks for the advice. I have been doing a lot of reading on here ... whew! There is so much to think about.
Hi Susan,
I will join some of the other posters here and HIGHLY recommend OSU and Dr. Needleman or Dr. Micami (sp). Both are terrific from start to finish. You might as well get started on your journey now because it will take until mid summer to get all the paperwork completed, nutrition classes, insurance forms, psych eval, etc. It seems like it takes forever but it will pass quickly.
I had LAP - RNY and would do it again tomorrow if I had to. I did not have much after surgery pain at all. I went in on Friday and by mid afternoon Saturday I was no longer using the morphine dispenser at my bedside. I came home with a prescription for pain pills which I did not even fill. I have had literally no complications or problems. Do lots of research to see which type you think you might like and then talk with your surgeon to see their input.
Good luck,
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 4:58 pm - Westerville, OH
on 1/7/06 4:58 pm - Westerville, OH
Thanks Doc
glad to hear yours went so well and thanks for giving me a time frame to work with. I also have Anthem BCBS - (blue preferred) so I am hoping it will get approved. Do I make arrangements with OSU for an appointment then it proceeds from there? My PCP did not seem very supportive and all she said was contact OSU Bariatric. So I guess I am on my own? lol Well I have battled weight for over 40 years and I cannot take it anymore
Thanks so much.