I do some part time work for Lane Bryant and they are having a decent sale right now too. All of the core jeans are $19.99 and bras buy 2 get 2 free, panties buy 3 get 3 free and really most everything else has some sort of sale. One great thing that may not be too well known is that LB at Tuttle and I think Polaris has a new thing called ecommerce and if they don't have it in the store they can order it for you and have it shipped to your house free. And what's even better is that the ecommerce and online too they carry size 12s. They also have larger cup sizes that they don't carry in the stores!
Gotta love the after holiday sales!
Thats great Julie, I'm glad you are doing so well! Your pictures look great, I need to post new pics myself, but I can't find my cords to download them to the computer since our move!!!
I'm down 100 pounds, went from a size 26/28 depending on the jean, to a size 12 and my shirts from a tight 3X to a size Large!! I feel amazing and the best part is everyone thinks I"m in my early 20's, not 33 like I am, now that is wonderful!!
Well take care and congrats!