New... Awaiting on surgery...
Well my name is Brandi. I researched this surgery for over two years. Lets start off by telling you who I am. I am a 25 year old mommy of one. His name is Domonik and he is 3 years old. I am married to my high school sweety who is an amazing man and an awsome daddy. I live in Ohio, and my surgery is scheduled for Jan 24th. This has been a long process of learning about this and thinking about this. And honestly. This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life. I had to do alot of thinking about the pros and cons and about my son and husband and my family. I was picked on as a child for being bigger than everyone else. And you know, kids can be nasty. But you know, I kinda started to over look that when I got married and had my son, and you know, some adults were jerks, but I learned to keep away from that by isolating my self. Well two summers ago, we took a family vacation to lake erie. I was carrying my son to the car from the shower house and three 14 year old boys made a comment about whales that needed to stay in the water and not on the land. I whispered to my son that if he ever spoke to someone like that, I would make sure that would be the last thing that came out of his lips. That was the first time in years I felt like a discusting pig. And I had it. I put my foot down and decided to do something about it...
For many of years I have struggled with weight problems. My family has weight problems, and well I have done my share of eating more than my share of the worlds food supply. I am addicted to it much like druggies or people who cant put the bottle down. I finally want to do something about it. It took me a while to get my butt on fine and do it, but I finally did and now I have my surgery scheduled. I have many fears, but I am very excited. The surgeon has a good reputation and I know many of the patients that he took under his wing. The program that I am in for the surgery helps me after. I like that. I am glad it isnt where they do the surgery and let you go and deal with it your self...
My family is nervous. Expecially my mom. She tries to be strong, but I can tell she is worried. My husband is very supportive, but he is also worried. He tells me that if it si something I want to do then I should do it and he will support me. He wants me happy and healthy. The other night I had to talk to him about what my wishes were if something happened and he broke down and cried. I understand he is worried. He is a good husband. And I love him more than life. And I worry about him if something did happen because I am all he knows. We have been together since we were 14 years old. And we were each others first for everything. If anyone has any suggestions on how to ease the minds of my loved ones, please, give me the advice. I just want them to understand if something does happen to me, that this was my decision and no one could change my mind about it.
Well I hope to get alot of support on here. And I want to hear everyone storys and look at everyone pictures. i have looked at tons of pics already and every pic that I looked at so far the before pic everyone looks miserable and the after pic everyone looks like a different happy person. I cant wait to get that way. I have maybe 5 pics of my self. None are full body shots. I dont get them taken.. I hope by easter I will be able to take a family pic. I wanted to get one for christmas. it would have been our first one, but I decided that I am not going to get our first family picture til I look like a human.......
Welcome to the board. We are all here for you. This surgery saved my life. It is not as bad as everyone says. You will be fine. Just get ready for your amazing ride. I am down 62 pounds in 12 weeks. I feel wonderful. You are a human and you have feelings. People can be so cruel. I look at heavy people and know how they feel. I was there. It is very painful. I want to run up and tell them about the surgery. Insurance companies are so cruel. To not help these people who want help. I am so glad you getting your surgery next month. You are going to feel great. The time will go by fast with the holidays.
Hugs to you
Thank you very much for my welcome. I went to your profile and you are lookin well. I cant wait to say my cloths are hanging off of me lol. My problem is I dont have many cloths. So when I start losing weight, I am going to have a problem. Because I dont want to go buy cloths that I wont be in for a long time. I will have to buy maybe one pair a jeans each size I am in and some sweat pants.
I will keep you in my prayers. Deciding to "LIVE" will probably be one of the most important decisions you'll have to make. And, that's what you've decided to do. I had the surgery almost 3 years ago and I have no regrets. I am down from a size 24 to a size 8. I am living life. I am happy. You will be, too. Congrats and God Bless.
Hi Brandy, Congrats on your date. To help ease my familys minds I let them read alot of profiles. I don't have one because I don't know how to do it lol. It is a very big decision but for me I knew I was saving my life. When we get older alot of things come into place. Diabetes set in and I was taking 2 shots a day. Not anymore. My sugar is great. I feel great. I was very scared but I was more scared not having it done. I feel very healthy,and all of the things that goes with obesity is gone. I never have to worry about booth size at restaurants,walking up stairs , getting on the floor with my grandkids , and everything else. We all know what I mean. It is hard for our loved ones but they seem to come out fine. You will do great and you made a great choice. Enjoy your new life . Love , Cindy
Hi Brandi,
Reading your story very much reminded me of my own! I know exactly how you are feeling as my date is Jan. 20th. I think if we have the support of family and friends and confidence that these doctors are gifts from above, we're going to be alright! Think positive. Stay in touch.
Middleburg Hts., OH
Hi Brandi,
Congratulations on your date!
My family was very very nervous for me. I just found out that my mom and sister did not sleep for 2 days before my surgery.
All I can say is make sure that they're educated about the surgery and to realize that it is your choice but it's a life saving choice. Once my Mom figured out I was doing it to LIVE she did feel better. But being a mother she still worried. I told my Mother a quote that I read here on someones profile. "You can either get busy living or get busy dying" I prefer to get busy living and so did my Mom. Have a terrific surgery day and keep us posted when you get home
Leah D