Turned down again
Well I have UHC/with an exclusion. I sent in my appeal, it was denied. I called UHC and talked to the nurse care co-ordinator. She said in so many words, well you can try to appeal again, but actually it won't help, but good luck. I hate UHC. We are changing insurances companies in May next year. So by that time I will have died or totally given up.
I think that just doing a liquid diet myself is going to be the only thing I can do. I don't even know what the new insurance is, my husbands employer was bought by another company. They don't know what they will get. My life has been the hands of others. I just am so depressed.

Hi Rita. Please don't be so discouraged. I was originally denied (by BCBS), but found out it wasn't because BCBS wouldn't cover it, my COMPANY had an exclusion to not cover it. Anyway, my surgeon appealed and lo and behold I was approved (I don't know what the process was between BCBS and my company, but I'm just happy it worked).
I can't help but think the fact that my surgeon sent in the appeal helped my case. Maybe you can ask your surgeon? It's worth a try.
I realize each and every case is different, and at times, from what I read on these boards, there doesn't seem to be one set of criteria for surgery, even within the same insurance company ... so it almost seems like a crap-shoot!
I wish you well, and encourage you to keep trying.
Don't give in to the discouragement. I was told 5 times by the insurance company that WLS was an exclusion. I was told by the director of benefits at my husbands employer that it was an exclusion. Turns out they were all wrong, the company never told the insurance company to exclude it. It took a long, hard battle, but I'm going in for surgery in less than 2 weeks.
Be persistant. Don't take no for an answer. And always look for ways to get through the door!
Be true to yourself!