APPROVED!!!!! :jump:
Today I think I lead a charmed life. I was "not heavy enough", my BMI was "way too low" (even though my comorbidities are quite serious), and my insurance company was actually an 'unknown' to my surgeon's office--AND, I'm over 50 and need a REVISION. Doesn't sound too good, right? I had almost no hope. But yesterday I found out that only a letter is needed from my pcp (this is no problem) and my surgery is ON.
It didn't take long, either. I don't know anything else yet...but I'm so happy. I'll need lots of help from all you sweet folks to find out what I need in the way of food, post-op stuff, what I can eat when, etc. I know I'll get plenty of guidance from my surgeon's office, but all these 'sisters' is where I find the REAL gospel! Merry Christmas to all...and MY next Christmas will find me snuggled in Santa's lap...I didn't dare do it before, I would have smushed him...
P.S. I need an angel...

That is awesome Susan!!
I know Dr. Schumacher and have alot of respect for him...You are in capable hands, listen to the dietician and the doc..once you are out a ways then you can explore all the other pathways until you find what works best for you!
Good luck, maybe I will see you at one of the support meetings in the near future..
Congrats on your surgery Approval and date.. You recieved the best Christmas present ever. I got to sit on Santa's lap at work at Walmart and have my picture taken and it was a real thrill for me. I dont remember sitting on anyones lap in the past 40 years. LOL
What a wonderful thing this WLS is..
Have a great day Susan,