has anyone else had this problem? everytime i know i have to drink my boost i just feel like puking
.and when i do drink it i have to hold my breath so i dont smell it.
they tell me i have to drink boost or ensure but is there something else i can drink? i still have a week and a half before i get to have soft foods.
but other than that at a week out i'm doing good i havent taking my pain med since mon. and feel good except for something i dont think people would like me to post but use your imagination lol lol
rich w

Part of the problem is the anethestic (I probably didn't spell it right)....changes your sense of taste and smell. Just sip it down....the time goes by so quickly you will hardly remember having to drink it! They had to switch me over to Boost that stuff was awful! Just make sure to take very small sips....gotta make that 2 oz. last for 30 minutes! Also....make sure it is very, very cold. Adding ice cubes may help.
water, decaf tea, decaf coffee crystal light, koolaid made with Splenda, sf hot cocoa. GNC has a flavorless protien [On Any Whey] you could add to those drinks. Although I think nothing is flavorless at a week out
! Only my opinion there.
I found Profect when I was 3.5 months out and really liked that, less than 3 oz's and 25 g's of protein
2-3 day ship.
I also like the SciTrition Protein Sup's, can be found at or, neither take long to ship, about 3 days.
Right now, don't worry so much for your protein as keeping hydrated.
hmmm OK I'm imagining.

been there, done that,i could not handle boost myself,it made me so sick to my stomach,i dreaded drinking it,so one morning i got up and called melanie the programs nutritionist and she called me back within an hour or so,and she told me that i could have boost breeze it's like a juice and it's not as thick as boost the only thing is,is that you have to drink a little bit more then if you were drinking boost,but it's worth it not to feel sick everytime you have to drink regular give mel a call or cathy,peggy,or kristen on friday and see what they think.
hang in there!!!!!
take care