Louisiana will take your "nuts"
Hello nuts of all shapes and surgeries ... Louisiana or as we call it "The Hurricane Magnet of the Century" would gladly take your nutty surgeon advocate. Since we are far from sane down here, it's the least we can do.
I'm sure Dr. Curry will be more at home jumping from the roofs of hospitals about to go under water or being one of maybe 10 bariatric surgeons in South Louisiana who still have a place to practice. We have a little Red Cross cot with his name written all over it.
Ok, I didn't come here to add to the Nut-mania, well, not much. I wanted to let DS'ers know I feel your pain. I'm a lap band post-op and down here in Nut-siana, we are the few and the unpopular. Especially for those big band bombshells like myself -- top weight 350 smackers.
My PCP didn't advocate the band, the support group has about 3 active bandsters and I often get the point-blank question "Why would you go and do that."
After I've choked back the urge to say "bite me -- lean protein first," I explain that after careful consideration, I decided that this was the best route for me. Yes, I did research the methods and expected outcomes. I'm not an emotional eater and I don't binge or drink a lot of liquid calories. I thought surgical portion control was perfect FOR ME.
I weighed the rate of weight loss, the side effects and my personal data to conclude that I would do well with a lap band. Many surgeons conclude that the immediate medical needs of high BMI patients are too great to consider lap bands. Likewise, many surgeons conclude that the possible side effects and the rate of weight loss makes RNY and DS "too extreme" for people with BMIs under 40.
Now, me, I'm not a doctor. I only have a right to state my personal opinions and my nutty conclusions. Dr. Curry can go out on that limb and express what is and is not extreme in his professional opinion.
Two good things about that -- it's based in some heavy professional data and you can always just "chunk" it and do what you like.
If there's ever a OH Event in Louisiana, I hope you Ohio nuts come along. You all are our kind of plant protein.
great post Frances,
But you can't have Dr. C, he's OUR's! Hey you 'ianer's are welcome to come up to our conference too, next year it's a 3 day event and will be in Louisville?
I think that's the place, we had such a great turnout in Cincy, we're gonng go for it big time in 2006!
umm bite me, lean protein first

Well said, Frances!
I chose the DS myself, also after extensive research. That's all I try to push is to research all options befor jumping in with both feet. I have three coworkers who followed TV commercials like the pied piper and didnt research other options and when I told them what I was doing, they said "but they never told us about any other options". I really don't extend fault to anyone but them for not doing their own homework.
If someone asks why I chose the DS, I'll be happy to tell them, but the biggest thing that bugs the DS board is when people rattle off untruths that are unfounded or outdated from the days of the straight BPD.
This whole site is for support, and like you, I believe we should all be doing that entirely. We're all here for the same reason, and this bashing has to stop.