guess what day it is?
... not telling ...
ok ok....
It's my 1st anniversary of my surgery!
Dr. Curry I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you saved my life not just once last year, but twice on the same day. Thank you.
I feel incredible!
I feel great!
I feel.. like a new person!
I no longer live to eat - I eat to live.
No more c-pap, no more wheelchair, no longer a list of med's, depression is on the back-burner, cause I love me again!
My new addiction to shopping in ANY store I want and not having to buy clothes that just fit, now I buy because I want and CAN!
Exercise is fun! Dancing is fun! Life is fun!
-171 total -142 since surgery!
30/32 3-4x to a size 8 jean! M/L tops!