Personally, I don't care ...
I don't lurk here, I seldom post here because I seldom see much of interest. I am from OHIO, Columbus specifically.... and if ever there was anyone that has a RIGHT to be here it is ME. If you think I should shut up and leave the OHIO board to the RNYers to go around and malign the DS operation, well you can forget it. I wish you could read the compassion I have for all WLS people. My only wish is that everyone be informed. I think everyone, DSers included tend to wear there feelings on there sleeves.
One of my other recent posts on the main board says it all. I've never heard of anyone having a revision surgery to change a DS into a RNY, but the list of people having a RNY revised to a DS is growing every day. There is a whole forum for revision surgeries right here at OH. I'm not mad at anyone here on the Ohio board, but the nastiness that permeates some of the posts here is beyond belief. I for one believe Dr. Curry to be a fine surgeon. I wish he did perform the DS... I believe he would be a fine addition to the growing list of bariatric surgeons that perform the DS. I also believe that HIS standard for having a DS might lower just a tad if he did perform the DS. GOD Bless any bariatric surgeon for dedicating their whole practice to helping us that have been MO and SMO most of our lives. The improvement in our quality of life is a tribute to them all. If I have said anything offensive, and I believe I have, towards the good doctor, or anyone else here on the OHIO board, please forgive me. I should know better, and exhibit better manners.
It's funny Kevin, I have been on this board for 2 years and I don't remember anyone ever talking about the DS. To each his own. I can't even believe I got into all this. Everyone has a right to say and do what they want. It's wonderful they all think they have a cure for diabetes. Most people with type 2 diabetes lose weight and they don't need their meds anymore.I lost 112 lbs and I am off insulin but I still take pills.It certainly does't mean I got rid of diabetes. Don't you think if there were a cure it would be big news? I looked on your board and we were called BUTTHEADS. So mature . and I am a DRAMA QUEEN. ( maybe). Cindy
I rarely post here but you really made me come out of the woodwork. I am absolutely amazed at the posts you've submitted here. I didn't go back and read the previous ones but I see that you clearly have entirely too much time on your hands.
I am nearly ingorant about DS but I do know that in order to have most surgeries approved by both the doctor and the insurance company a psychological evaluation is required. I strongly suggest you have this done. I am concerned for your mental stability in regards to any weight loss surgery.
I have read through your profile and it seems to me that you are almost in this for the thrill of the arguement. You slammed your first attorney, then spoke negatively and cursed about the second one. You seem to be completely one track minded and unable to see the bigger picture. Weight loss surgery is weight loss surgery. One is not right for everyone. The important thing is that you loose weight and get healthy. You mentioned in your profile that you didn't think RNY would work for you because essentially you know that you do not have the control to eat healthy after surgery and felt that you would slip back into your old ways. Not everyone is weak in that area and RNY does work for many, many people. Others, like yourself, may choose to go another route and have the DS.
I am totally beside myself that a grown woman would come on-line and use language, such as butthead to speak to another adult. You really should be quite embarrassed by your behavior. I would be appauled if my 13 or 16 year old acted in such a manner. They are much more mature than that.
I have been coming to this board for about 9 months and I see the people who you are arguing with. They may not know it but they have been a huge part of my success. This is a SUPPORT board. If you are so miserable with yourself and so unwilling to be open to those with different ideas than your own, I strongly suggest you do some soul searching to find out why you are so unhappy that you insist on making those around you miserable, as well.
I wish you all of the luck in the world in your journey and pray for an uneventful surgery for you.
I also thank those here who come and post day in and day out with their ups and downs. You are all quite an inspiration to me.