where to find snow!?!
Afternoon all,,, I am coming up north to beautiful Ohio next week from sunny florida.. I was wondering if there is anyplace that will be snowing or some mountains with snow down near the ohio river? I havent seen snow since I was about 11yrs old (32yrs old now) and my kids ages 13 and 11 have NEVER seen snow!! So it would be sooo cool, it we could find a place not too far from my moms house. She lives in georgetown, not really sure of the closest nearest town, she has moved since I was up there,, but its around either the hamilton or clermont county. Thanks bunches,, oh and anyone know what the weather will be like the week of thanksgiving?
Goody,, I hope my boys get to see snow!! We did find this place, cant think of the name, its in Indiana, about 20 mins from cincinnati and you can go tubbing, its called the perfect north slopes (just remembered),, I am really considering going,, it says its 20$ a person for the day,,,
thanks Christy
I am up north, in the "snowbelt". Doesn't look as if snow is on the horizon, soon, but that doesn't mean it can't change.
If you are interested in snow, track a city called Chardon, OH. They are always one of the first to get snow and last to leave. Hope you get to see some white stuff.

We don't have any snow here in Cleveland, Ohio either (thank goodness!) Snow is pretty, and I can see why you'd be excited to see it after all those years. I was excited the first time I saw a palm tree =) lol! As for me though, I'm not looking forward to icy roads, frozen locks, cold cars piled high with ice, snow, and more ice, and shoveling the driveway. You can take as much snow out of my driveway home with you to Florida when we do get some though!

That is funny,,,there are some kids upnorth that has never saw a "real" beach,,, The beach I use to go to ask a kid (in ohio) was a man made lake that has small pebbles for sand,,, that is nothing compared to the real thing down here. I am like 10 mins from about 4 beaches and 30 mins from a few famous ones,,, I sent my aunt in Ohio a container of sand from a beach by my house,, she absolutely loved it!! I will be glad to take some snow with me,,