Laura, laughter is the best medicine, and the endorphins it releases do your body, mind and spirit much good. You got the right idea, sweetie.
Otherwise, I have to say the rest of your post just broke my heart. One of the first places we look for unconditional love is in our parents. And although I'm sure your father must have loved you very much, he unfortunately allowed whatever deficiencies that were in *him* direct his behaviours towards *you.* I venture to guess that it was not truly *you* he was ashamed of, but himself. Any parent secure in their own abilities would not have acted otherwise. You were a little girl, for goodness' sake. How can anyone be ashamed of a child?
Remember, Laura, babies require baby steps. They don't just get up and run marathons. Your "birthday" was only six months ago. Give yourself time to heal, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually, too. I've a feeling what you've shared here is only the microscopic tip of the iceberg.
Big Hugs Back 'Atcha

You are so wise for being a preop.. Something tells me you are gonna do great and be a big old loser real soon.
Now, I really am off to bed. LOL!! Seriously. My dog keeps looking at me and growling. She is getting ticked off I am not paying attention to her. God love Miss Annie Daphne.
Goodnight for real