Toledo ~~Support Mtg~~Nov 10th
~Be there~ Let's support each other through the Holiday eatathon's
Where? email me or Colleen Savory, for directions.
[email protected] - [email protected] please put mtg in subject!!
So mark your calendars for Nov 10th at 7 pm. This is an chapter support meeting, [this site supported, not a Dr's group] We are a new group, let's get this going, I know there are many of us misplaced people, looking for a local group. If you are interested, please email me for directions. We are only sending it to those that request it at this time.
See Ya There!

Vickie ~ You have mail!
I am still hoping to attend the November meeting. I sent Colleen an email on Oct 27th requesting directions / information. I am not sure if she did not get it or if she just didn't have time to reply yet.
Thank you for your time,
Dan B.
P.S. I did send a copy of the email to Colleen also