Fremont area Excercise buddy wanted
Is there anyone in the Fremont area that would like a WLS exercise buddy?? I joined the FitStart program at the YMCA in Fremont and am loving it. I never would have guessed a year ago that I would be walking more than a mile, three times a week or more!! This program starts off slow with just cardio exercise and at week four, adds in strength training and then continues on. I just started my fourth week! It feels so wonderful to be able to exercise on a regular basis. I love the tool that I have been given!
Super Fitness is a national chain, but none in Fremont, as I inquired, because I'm thinking about moving back to the country.
Your Welcome Dan, I hope you can make it to the Nov 10th meeting! Colleen hasn't answered my email in a couple days either, if she doesn't get back with you before the 10th, let me know I will send you the needed info on where.
i'm just west of fremont-what are the hours that they are open? when do you go?how much $$$ (sorry if too personal!)
what would my husband think???seriously- i think he would object -it's a guy thing!
but am glad to hear that you are doing well and enjoying it--do you work in fremont? i am sure that sandusky has a Y.....i do need to get myself in gear and get back on track and all of that stuff....
Hi Margo,
Your qustions are not to personal. So here it goes!
You can check out the hours on the website.
I just joined last month and for the "FitStart" program, it is a $50 fee for the 12 week program. The program includes meeting with an advisor four times over that 12 week period. They instruct you on how to use the machines, help you set your goals and check in on your progress. You are required to use the Y minimum of three times a week on this program.
There was also a one time fee to become a member of the Y, which was $50 and then it is $23.?? per month for a single membership. I started the last week of the month, so it was prorated. It cost me a total of $117 for everything (join, fitstart and remainder of first month)
I actually work in Bowling Green and live in Sandusky. I work third shift and stop at the Y on my way home from work. I usually get there about 8am, and I usually go T-W-TH-F. As far as the Sandusky Y, they do not offer the FitStart program. My surgeons office recommended the FitStart as a good program to follow, so I found one that had it!
Best of luck to you as continue your journey. If you have any other questions, just post reply and I will try to answer.