I am safe! - here in N. Toledo
Hay Vickie,
I am glad you are OK. My husband and I decided when we heard that they were coming that we were taking the kids out of town. I didn't realize how bad it was until I got a call up in Michigan at my brothers house from a friend in DC. She was freaking out about the news. So I called my mom and didn't even come home until after midnight Saturday.
How ignorant can people be? That was so stupid to let someone come into your neighborhood and upset you to the point that you destroy your own stuff. That is like someone coming into my house saying something that makes me mad and then when they left I destroyed my own house. I am sick to think that people are that stupid.
Well I pray everything will quiet down over there and they won't have problems with Woodward High today.

Of course I'm ok.. I had my thumper by the door if needed. It was very quiet for the most part Sat., night, that was good. The helicopters stayed in the sky all weekend and as soon as the busses started their runs this morning [yellow busses] the choppers were up there again and flying low. All this craziness started at Leverette Jr. High [yep where Nick goes], a kid got jumped at school, his father also works at the school, then this adult proceeded to put up this info online to the Nazi's about gangs.
Actually I am more worried about what might conspire at Leverette instead of Woodward, the middle school kids think they have more to prove at this age. Hopefully my kid will use his head and avoid any conflicts that might arise at school today. HE BETTER! I sent in the non-refundable deposit for his DC trip in May.. if he's bad, I lose the $.