Anyone Had a Revision??
I'm 55 and I had a VBG 21 years ago...I'm heavy again--not too awful, I'm back up to 222--but I am going for a revision to an RNY from Dr Schumacher. The main reason for this is severe arthritis--if I do not drop 60 lbs, I will definitely be in a wheelchair in five years. I am the sole support for my big family, and I HAVE TO work at least 10 more years if not longer. And my job is very demanding physically--I'm a teacher. Add to that really, really high blood pressure (which is normal when I am a normal weight), and high cholesterol. I hope I have enough co-morbidities to convince my insurance company to pay for this surgery--my BMI is under 40, and I know it might be a battle because of that. Is there anyone out there who has had a revision, or has similar experience? My insurance is MailHandlers, which has been really good about everything else I've needed. My letter has been submitted, so I'm holding my breath for now. I also worry about my age and major anyone else in or near my position??? Hello out there???