It's been too long
Hi Guys! How is everyone doing? It has been so long since I have posted and I miss all of you so much! For those who didn't know, I am in the process of moving to the Seattle area. My husband accepted a job out there. Soooooo...I am in the process of moving. Next Tuesday I will be flying out there all by myself with 3 kids and a dog! YIKES!!!!! Am I insane or what???? I am really going to miss living in Ohio, but this is my hubbies dream job and I will be living in my old hometown only 15 minutes away from my parents. As for the Eastside Bariatric Support group, Suzy Sloan will be in charge of it from now on. She is a very enthusiastic person who will offer you tons of wisdom. She has been in nursing for many years. We also have another member, Brenda Gibson, who is a pharmacist. She is equally wonderful!!! Please take the time to check out one of these meetings if you can. I am a little more than 10 months out from my surgery now (September 29th was 10 months) and I am down a total of 159 pounds. (320 highest/ 280 surgery day/161 now and 150 goal) That's only 11# from my goal!!!!
I have 2 months to get to goal, but with all of the stress of moving, I think I wll reach it by the end of November. Eating is so different from how it was 1 year ago when I was preparing fro my surgery. I eat pretty much anything as long as it is healthy and appropriate for my post op diet. Of course I always focus on getting the protien in first. Before my surgery I ahd all of these fears about not having good foods anymore and being on a permanant diet for the rest of my life. Now I realize that I was just putting a lot of garbage in my body and I had no iea how awful it was making me feel until I replaced that garbage with good, nourishing foods that help my body to function the way it is supposed to. If you are a per-op reading this, I hope this encourages you that not having all the crap in your body isn't the end of the world. Anyway, keep our family in your prayers if you are a praying person. Our house here hasn't sold yet and we will be paying a double mortgage for awhile.

I wish you the best of luck with your move. It's wonderful that your parents will be just minutes away, that helps the process seem a little easier to adjust. You definitely have a few rough months ahead of you, just hang in there girl! You seem to have a great attitude about you and I think that you will do fine.
Just be sure to care for yourself, good luck Jaimee!
lighter later

Hey girl!
I am so proud of you. Only 11bs from goal. You have done absolutely terrific with this. You are my inspiriation. I am down 75lbs so far. I feel great and getting to buy a few new clothes is not so bad either.
You send me an email when you get all settled in.
Good Luck and God Bless... Gonna miss you!