I've been APPROVED!!!!
YAHOOOO!! I can't believe it! I was sure there was going to be SOME reason the insurance would come up not to pay. I'll have to say, that was the longest 30 days of waiting! UGH...pure torture! I almost got to the point where I believed I was getting my hopes up too much...
I really don't know what to feel now. Excited, nervous, scared, elated.... This journey has definitely been a roller coaster so far....and I know that I am only just beginning. Thanks to everyone for being here to support me when I need it! You are the greatest!
Believe me Sandy, the emotions are unreal. I remember never feeling some of them before this journey. Scared,happy,mad,sad,glad and I could ryhmn forever. So many, but when I look back a year ago and remember all the things I couldn't do then. and have no fears anymore,it is amazing.
I don't run into people at the stores anymore literly.I slide into any booth and don't observe the size. I go to the grandkids games and sit in any chair without worring if I am going to break it. The water rolls around my body in the tub instead of stopping it up. I can get in and out so easily now.I don't need to crawl over to the chair to get up off the floor.My legs automatically cross when I am sitting. So much more.Maybe someone else can add to the list.This is a wonderful thing and you will love it. There are ups and downs but we will all be with you all the way.We have stuck together for a long time and I think we will for a life time. You will have a whole new group of friends and they are the best.Keep us informed and love and prayers will be with you,Cindy
Congratulations Sandy! I know that waiting is a pain. But it is sooo worth it in the end. I am almost 5 months out. I just cannot beleive the changes in my body, mood, everything. You will love being on the losing side. You are not that far from me.. if you ever need anything give me a buzz.
Good Luck and Best Wishes.
The water rolls around my body in the tub instead of stopping it up.
I remember that very well too.. And having to crawl to something to hoist myself up. And I remember too well knowing I needed to be taken to the hospital by squad and making myself walk downstairs when I couldnt breathe so I wouldnt have to have them carry me down and me be embarrassed at how heavy I was. I never want to go back to any of that Cindy. It is still emotionally painful to think back to those times, but I guess that fresh wound is what will keep me on the straight and narrow so I never have to feel those feelings again.
Today is my 5 month anniversary. I cant believe how fast the time has gone by. I am still in shock over losing 130 pounds this quickly, and not having saggy baggy skin everywhere. My tummy is pitiful looking, but it was before I lost the weight anyhow. After 5 c sections and a hysterectomy it was saggy and baggy already. But my legs and arms are pretty good looking, if I might say so myself. ROTLMTO...
I have a personal goal of being at my goal weight when I see Dr Mikami on November 13th. His goal for me is 160. But I want to see about 130 for my 5"2 body. I havent been this small since I was in 6th grade. I put on a pair of size 14 jeans and about passed out. I started out in 30/32's that were so tight I had to use a diaper pin to keep the zipper up. I was in size 4 and 5 x tops and they were getting tight. I feel like someone waking up from a coma in a different body.. And I like it. LOL
When do you see Dr Mikami next???
I am so happy for you !!! Its the beginning of your new life and you are going to love all the moments of amazement that you will have. Its like being reborn and seeing and feeling everything for the very first time. It has been a miracle for me and worth the 2 and a half years of hoop jumping I had to do. At least it gave me time to be 110% sure it was the right thing for me. And I thank God and this wonderful group for helping get me through those rough times when I was losing faith it would ever happen for me.
Big Hugs Sandy..
Let us know when you get your surgery date!!!!!
Sandy, I'm sooo excited for you!! I remember feeling this way one month ago, and now I'm feeling the excitement of having a surgery date (10-11). I also felt like you, I thought that my insurance would find a reason to deny me, but I was also approved in one month. The longest month of all!!!!! Just wait you will also have the feeling of joy when you get your surgery date. Good luck!!