My grandson dropped my laptop
I am not avoiding the board. My grandson dropped my laptop. and I still have pain from my incision so it hurts to sit at the desktop for to long. My laptop was insured. He was helping me because I cant lift and it slipped out of his hands. He cryed so hard. I told him to calm down accidents happen.
I am doing good. Im just learning to stay away from food. It is so hard learning my new eating habits, Smelling food and watching my family eat. I am down 27 pounds.
Take Care ~~~~~ Josie I am thinking about you. It is almost that day..... You will do great !!!!!
Take Care
I am sure he felt horrible and Thank Goodness it was insured!! I was a little worried about you being missing for a while. I was hoping you hadnt had some complications.
My 20 month old grandson is into everything. He thinks the cat litter box is a sandbox and yesterday buried the remote control in it. EWWW... I cleaned him up and then cleaned the remote with rubbing alcohol. So gross!!! He thought he was just having a good time with his toys in the sandbox. Yuck Yuck Yuck!!
I am proud of you and your weight loss, I bet you are feeling better already!
Have a great afternoon,
Love and hugs
Barb, I am getting so excited about my surgery, four more days. I haven't been on for a few days either. I have had the WORST migraine for two days.
It was so bad that I have been
with them. Stress!!!!
I've been woeking twice as much trying to catch all of my clients up before I leave.
Thanks for thinking of me

So much better than I imagined. The first 2 weeks are really hard. The first 2 days even harder. I had open surgery and it was really hard for me to deal with the pain. I stayed on morphine for 3 days. I just slept. I would have visiters i would sleep right in front of them. The other hurricane rita was going on. I would flip the TV on and go oh no and then shut it off and sleep. I forced myself to walk. and forced my self to eat icechips. It was far much worse than my open hysterectomy. I heard Lap is much better surgery. I heard the pain is not as bad. But everyday I got better, Now i am walking 1-1/2 miles a day. I feel great. I have not been sick. Knock on wood. I am so glad I had a successful surgery. Also one of the other hard parts is learning my knew life and new diet. I am getting wear it doesnt bother me to smell food and to see my family eat. That was hard at first.
I am doing great.
Thanks for asking....
I would do it all again in a minute
Take Care
I am so happy you are feeling better. I think its hard getting over all surgerys. It feels like you will never be yourself ever again. You are going to do so well, I cant wait until you give us updates as the weeks just roll by. The best is yet to come for you. After 15 months I would do it all ocer again in a heart beat. I am liking myself again, Love to you, Cindy