Owie and WoWie moments..
Sorry I haven't been around much, works been keeping me busy [as always] and my volunteering on site has been OT also. We're flooded with requests for profile spruce-ups. Anyone know HTML and want to join the team?
ok the owie, felt like I had been kicked in the kidneys the last few days, so I gave up and headed to the ER, figuring I got a kidney infection or stone. [both which I've never had before] The ER ran all the tests, no problem with my kidney, however there is an Abcess in my abdomen, which I will most likely have to go into surgery to have drained. I am NOT looking forward to this! But this pain needs to go away. I spent over 9 hours in the ER yesterday, wouldn't feed me, wouldn't let me drink, because they weren't sure if I needed emergency surgery. Finally they released me and I have to follow up with Dr. Curry and my PCP about what to do with this "thing".
The WoWie? Two nurses in the ER thought I weighed about 150 lbs..
Yeah I wish, I must hide my weight well. I've only lost 5 lbs since Cincy, haven't measured though.
BTW, I am drowning in all my clothes, thought I got a great deal at the thrift store in sweaters for the coming cool weather... nope.. not a bargain if they are all too big. If anyone has M/L cool weather tops/sweaters/ they want to part with, lemme know please, this trial and error stuff is getting expensive. I take back what I can, but thrift store purchases are a no return policy. Oh and dress pants, 12, unless stretchy, then I'm in a 6.. I could use some work-out clothes, sweats, and casual also.
yeah right huh? Well some of you might have these too big for you things lying around.

Thank you.. me too
I'm not a small lady yet.. they only thought I was about 150, my scale still says 190. So I just hide it well
I know Dr. Curry will take care of me, but I really can't afford to come south again.. I is broke.. and taking over my Mom's car payments on the 1st, makes me even broker. I am kinda hoping I can get this taken care of up here in Toledo. We'll see.
pamper? Well I laid around so long yesterday, when I got my script for pain meds today, I went out and mowed my lawn and the neighbors. Going up to bed early tonight though, taking me a bubble
tjen heading to

I am so sorry that you are going through this pain and going to have to have surgery. But if you have and infection and its abbsessed you need to get it out of there ASAP. It could make you really really sick.
I will keep my eyes peeled at yard sales and at my local thrift shop for some clothes for you.
Get well soon Miss Vicki, we miss having you around!!
Love ya
Yeah I did a walk through of the gym last week and I fell in love. I can't wait to get in the pool. And I really liked how they had the womens section set apart from the rest of it. Oh yeah and the tanning salon. Man I think I could spend all day there. As soon as the doctor releases me I am in there.

I go to the one at NorthTowne, it's closest to home for me, which one do you guys go to? It'd be neat to have a buddy at the gym [well besides my son - hey he could hang with your old man
] I haven't spent time in the ladies only area, I like the scenery in the main gym [da butts]
I know I could spend more time there, but I got to save time for reg. life. Dr., at ER told me I could go still, but *take it easy* till this abcess is taken care of. But I'll be there tonight about 5:30 just to walk the treadmill and do my leg, back exercises.