Hospital Pre Testing Done. Heart Borderline ?????
The nurse told me my ekg was borderline. This should not stop my surgery should it ????? She said I might need a clearance. It seems like this should all be cleared since my card recommended this surgery. I dont think I would need any futher testing. That is why I am having the surgery, My surgeon knows I have these problems. That is why I am having the surgery in the first place. They cant possibly expect me to get a healthy heart for this surgery. Please tell me I am worried for nothing. But she was the admisssions testing nurse. So I am sure the doctor is already aware of these problems. and wont stop the surgery Wens.
Please tell me I worry to much.
Take Care
Liz and I both had to have last minute cardiac clearance. Its not abnormal for anyone who has any heart history for them to take the extra precautions. Dont worry about a thing.. These are just the final hoops you are jumping through... Dont panic I wasnt able to get into my cardiologist until 3:30 the day before surgery and everything was resting on his Okay. My hearts big and floppy and they cleared me. So... Deep breaths girl..
You are going to be fine.
Love and hugs
I still have a week. so I hope I can get the clearance fast. Its just one thing after another, Depression is doing alittle better today. The hospital made me a nerves wreck. I will be fine. Last minute things like this make me nerves. I will know more tomorrow. and hope to get it all done by Wens wens morning
Take Care
Do you feel comfortable enough with your Doc to ask him for a little something for your anxiety. It might help settle you down a bit and relieve a lot of these pre surgery jitters. My Dr prescribed something very mild and it didnt make me sleepy, but slowed my overanalyzing overthinking mind.
Just remember we are here with you EVERY step of the way!!!!
Big Hugs,
I take Xanax but try to not take them often. I am afraid of addiction. I need something for Depression. I have been on alot of different kinds in the past. They all made me gain alot of weight. I am afraid to take them again. I also had joint pain and alot of sickness on Serzone that I was on for three years. That pill made me feel normal again., But I started getting really sick from them after long time use. My Pcp wants to get me on something for depression after this surgery.I told him I didnt want nothing until after the surgery, But maybe I should be on something. I just want to get off all the meds. Because I feel they make me weak. lightheaded. But I have to take them.
My dream is to be healthy again and be off all pills. But I know I have depression and need that to be treated.
Thanks and a big hug
Made a appt this morning with my Cardi. He cleared me for surgery. he told me I will always have a borderline ekg and to not worry. This surgery should help that. They did a echo and blood work. He told me to start taking my xanax to help me relax and to unwind it will be fine. There was no water around my heart and I didnt have much swelling in my feet. Blood pressure was good. and to stop worring. I will be fine. My daughter will post wensday night on the out come of my sugery. I just taught her how, That way you all will know I am alive and kicking. and will be on here more to BOOO HOO
Thnaks to all
Have a great day