Survivor fans? New profile pic!
Love the pictures. I would love to lose a ton and be on The Amazing Race. I was pulling for Uchenna & Joyce, I cried with her when she had her head shaved during the game. I didn't care for Rob or Amber on either show, and was really glad when Uchenna and Joyce beat them.
The Amazing Race is on of my favorite shows. I didn't really star****ching until last season, but I'm glad that Game Show Network is replaying every season, so I'm really catching up (and I don't have to wait a week for the episode
Congratulations on everything. Keep up the good work.

I ALMOST convinced myself to try out for Amazing Race with a friend... then I realized neither one of us likes heights - at all, or bungee jumping and we probably wouldn't shave our heads so we'd pretty much just suck at it!
it was a nice thought though!
I actually do know someone on the next season of Amazing Race. Nick Linz will be on with his family and he's from the Cincinnati area (Anderson). He went to Miami with me!

Kewl Melissa!
I'll have to have your babies meet my baby. I think of those people in New Orleans that won't leave without their pets and I have to say that I'd take cholera rather than leave Casey behind.
Like your new profile. I tried once to pick out a new background and it had a virus in it. Took me forever to fix it, so I'll just stick to my boring profile page.
We'll have to arrange a playgroup for the spaniel clan! That would be so fun!
The hubby and I have decided that we're going to adopt a hurricane doggy. I can't imagine what the poor things are going through. There is one in particular we're trying to get - he/she is standing vigil beside his/her owner's body and won't eat. I want that one sooo bad. We've got people trying to track him/her down. Hopefully it works out. If not, there are many more in need...
That's an awesome idea! I don't know if my hubby would go along with that as we already have a cat, a dog and a rabbit.
So how's it going since your last fill? I didn't lose anything last week, so I'm going to wait and see what happens on Monday before I decide if I need another fill. Sometimes I think that I just need to work harder at it.