Off Topic, but I need you guys

on 9/7/05 12:06 am - Byesville, OH
As you know I got dumped about three weeks ago . The ex b/f slept with another woman on a conference. He has since told me that he likes beefy women and that I was getting too thin. In the meantime I met a pretty incredible sweet man who accepts me just the way I am. We spent hours and hours talking yesterday and have so mu*****ommon. I felt myself falling for him with every breath I took. And he felt the same way. Things went wonderful until the very last few minutes before we parted. He said he is so worried about letting himself fall in love with me and then have me go back to the old b/f. And that possibly I am getting involved on the rebound. I have a ZERO tolerance policy on cheating and there is no going back for me. I really want to see where things go with this adorable tall handsome sweet kind loving caring ( did I Mention adorable) man. How do I convince him I am not going to hurt him, not going to cheat on him and really want to get to know him better . He is so afraid of getting hurt as well as I am. I have been sinking low since coming home last night. I dont want to lose a chance to be happy because of fears on his part. What can I do to reassure him that I am not "Other" women. I am Laura , theres not another like me on this planet. When I am with someone I am totally faithful and work on the relationship to make it work. I just need you to keep sending me prayers to be patient and help us both work through our fears to see that something really good could be awaiting both of us if we just let go and have some faith. This guy is just too good to let go and give up on. I would appreciate any advice.. I cried myself to sleep last night and I am still teary this morning. And when I feel like this I cannot force myself to eat. So I need to get this weepy crapola out of the way so I can take care of my body. I Love you all and thank you for being my support system and allowing me this off topic post. Hugs, Laura RICHARD??? Tell me what goes on in mens brains????
Julie H.
on 9/7/05 3:11 am - Marysville, OH
Laura.... The best thing I can tell you is just to be you. If this is meant to be it will work. Just know I am here for you if you need me. Hugs... Julie
on 9/7/05 3:27 am - OH
I wouldnt have another man if I got rid of the one I got. I would want to be alone for awhile. and get myself together. I could not see jumping right back into a relationship so fast. Someone might end up hurt. If it was me. I would take my time. You have only been single 3 weeks. I would not let something like this upset you. You need to take care of your self. By the way. I am having my surgery Sept21 Take Care Barb
on 9/7/05 4:47 am - Marion, oh
Hello Laura, I am kind of the same way. I can take a lot in a relationship, but if I was cheated on I just dont think I could go back to the way things were. When I got divorced a long time ago, my ex-wife cheated on me. I almost went back with her and thank God I didn't or I might not have met Teri. Love can be very very hard. Only you know if you would go back. I am sure changes with our bodies also play a part in how we look at relationships. I would take it slow but hey I would still take it. LOL. There is nothing wrong with seeing someone and enjoying there company. How far you take it is totally up to you. We have been through a lot in our lives not to finally enjoy it how WE want. I have thought about what it would be like to date around. Me and my wife have had our problems (we are married lol), but I have never thought of cheating on her. Laura this is your time. You have been waiting a long time for the feeling you are having with your new life. If he has faith in the relationship and really likes you, he will stay around and take the chance at getting hurt. If he doesn't stay around it probably was not meant to be. At any rate jump into the single scene and enjoy your life. Love ya! Richard Damn I sound like Ann Landers.....LOL
on 9/7/05 6:54 am - Marion, oh
By the way, Did you get your balls? he he he he. Sorry , just had to. Richard
on 9/7/05 8:49 pm - Pratt, WV
Laura, I am soooo happy that you found someone that you had such a great attraction to. I would just tell himd the same way you told us. Then tell him, hey lets take things slow and we can show each other what our intentions really are. Communication, good and bad is so important, espically in the begining. I wish you the best of luck, hey tell him to come on our site, we can tell him what a wonderful person you are. Hugs, Lisa
nancy M.
on 9/8/05 12:34 am - Blacklick, OH
Laura, About ten years ago, I found myself in a similar situation. I was in the process of ending a very long relationship ( my choice ) when I met a wonderful man. He had the same values and way of thinking about so many things, especially about commitment and family. However, I knew I could not jump right into a serious relationship again. I needed time just for "me". We talked on the phone a lot and spent some time together and after about three weeks, he proposed. I told him how wonderful I thought he was, but said it was too soon. I told him if he felt the same way in six months to ask me again. I saw him off and on during that time but also spent a lot of time soul-searching and enjoying my freedom. Six months to the day he asked me again, and this time I said "yes". We waited another year before we married and will celebrate our 8th anniversary in October. I'm happy you met this guy, but you shouldn't rush into something. Let him know you enjoy his company and would like to see him again and take it slow. If it's meant to be, it will all work out in the end. Isn't it nice to know there are still great men like him out there? We get cynical sometimes if we've been hurt and we think they are " all alike". Best of luck to you Nancy
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