HAIR loss
HI my name is lucy and i would like some advise I am interested on getting the surgery due too my health,but i am concern about hair loss that people say the get like 4-6 months after the surgery.I concern because i already have hair loss due to my diabetes. Please i would like some advise. THANK YOU
I had some hair loss about 6 months after my surgery. Its a small price to pay for the outcome of this surgery. Mine thinned out on the top and hardly anyone noticed it. I think I was more aware of it then others. Please don't let that stop you from saving your life. The hair will grow back. Good luck to you!

I will be four months out in just a few days and the hair thinning started about 3 weeks ago. It scares me to see it getting thinner, but I have to agree its a small price to pay for the weight loss I have had. My Dr added a second prenatal vitamin a day and now I am taking two biotin tablets a day. I also bought some folacin vitamist and use it 2 times a day. I have noticed a definite slowing of the loss of hair. I have vowed if I have to get a wig I will, but right now my hair is holding its own. I try to be real gentle with it ( which is difficult because I am in the pool 2 times a day) and get all my protein in. My beautician said there are shampoos etc that will help, but I cant afford it with the gas prices and everything else going up.
I hope this helps,
I cant hardly put into words what this surgery has done to change my life. I sit here and think of how many ways my life has improved and the benefits are more than I can count. After 2 years of fighting with Insurance and denials and hearings I was approved for the surgery. At that time I was close to being in a scooter wheelchair because of my joint and hip pain. I was periodically on oxygen and in and out of the hospital in Congestive heart failure, I had severe sleep apnea, depression, high blood pressure, dangerously high cholesterol and triglycerides. At 44 years old I was dying. I felt no hope until I got the approval for the surgery. And I am still spinning at how fast my life changed for the better. I admit, I had 2 very rough weeks of a severe depression and I questioned whether I had done the right thing. Even with all the counseling and visits to the dietician, nothing prepares you completely for the first few weeks post op. I suddenly didnt know what to do with myself when I was sad, nervous, lonely, scared, happy.... My Friend Food wasnt there anymore. He had left me and I had to find new ways to deal with those feelings. My Dr was very good and helped me through it with a small dose of an antianxiety medication. Overnight I was feeling more hopefull and energetic. Seriously, it was overnight!!! I began to feel more like walking, and making sure I was eating right. And soon the pounds started coming off. And those little victories lead you to bigger ones each day. And then one day you find, your ankles and feet didnt hurt when they hit the floor, so I was stepping a little peppier.. Then one day the seat belt closes and you have extra room and you have to move the seat further up. In 3 1/2 months I lost 107 pounds. Three weeks post op the Dr gave me permission to swim and I have been in the pool 2 times a day every day since then. With the exception of the conference weekend. All the hoops you have to jump through to get to your surgery date are worth it, if you can be patient. Dont ever give up faith that your time will come and you will be on the losing side someday. And that your story will inspire someone else to keep fighting ... Each and every one of us here has something to give to someone else. This message board has been so encouraging to me and I have met the most beautiful people in the world here.
So dont worry a minute about hair loss, Just concentrate on all of the great things that await you when the pounds start coming off. You feel like you are being reborn all over again, being given a new chance at the life you have always wanted for yourself. This is your DO OVER!!!
Lots of Love and hugs.
Hey Laura,I am so happy finally, a new picture. Hair,what a problem. After a year my hair is finally growing back. I really never thought it would. I tried all the shampoos and it never worked. I paid a fortune and the only thing that worked for me was the Biotein. I take 2000 a day and it finally is coming back. Sorry about your boyfriend but you dont need someone who is unfaithful. You will meet the perfect guy I am sure because you are so sweet and very special. Love, Cindy
LAURA thank you so much for taking time and writing to me it is a real help.i need people like you to help me go through this,Laura i have a cousin who works at pennsylvania hospital and she is working on the bariatric floor,she tells me not to get the surgery because theres a lot of risk and chances that people take she said several patients have died from that surgery or will be in and out of the hospital that they are never the same,Laura i have no children,well let me refrain that i had a son but at 6 1/2 months they had to take him out because my blood pressure was to high but he only lasted 29 days alive ever since i have been afraid to become pregnant and something like this will happen again.I do want to have more children but my cousin tells me it's a pouch if you can't eat much yourself how is that baby going to survive with a little bit of food and that is another concern for me but on tuesday i am going to call for an appointment so that i could talk to the doctor and ask him some questions.