FYI for Dr. C's gang
If you usually park in the parking garage at Deaconess, please note that they no longer have the cute little man in the booth who takes your tickets (and would let you go ahead with no charge if you told him you had an appt.) and now they have a machine that you have to put your money in - AND it only takes $1s and $5s. The cost is $3, without a "token?"
I learned the hard way. I had a $20. That was it. I proceeded out of the garage and had a good 5 cars backed up behind me when I realized I was STUCK with no "token" (that is what they kept asking for) and no bills the machine would take. I talked to someone on an intercom and she said something about having to get a token... yadda yadda...I don't know... she was not very helpful and I could hardly hear her.
After about 10 minutes I found a nice man pulling out of the garage who changed my 20 for me. Thank goodness. I was not a happy girl at that point.
i thought I might spend the whole night in the parking garage or on the street begging for someone to change my $20 to get out.
Moral of the story: get a token or make sure you have small bills!
And have a great weekend!

Melissa, you are too funny. I guess I'm just cheap. Besides, the guys at valet know me well. On the day of my surgery, my mother(who has memory problems)had her keys with her and my keys were at the valet. Well, when she left to go to the hotel(my sister from Texas also drove down and my mother followed her to the hotel) she saw the car, got her keys out, and left. Luckily, the valet guys gave my keys to Dr. C.
See you soon.....
Hey Tasha,
It was my fault entirely. I almost always get a piece of paper from Central Registrationwhen I first go in (it says I have an appt and lets me out of the garage)... but I forgot to ask! And usually when I forget to ask, the nice man would just let me go on ahead - and if he did charge me, I HAD money so he could give me change. So I was just
when I got there and had no way out!
The second fill was VERY good. For the past 6+ weeks, I have been completely unable to drop below 237... no matter what I did. Today I was 235! It's because of liquids, I'm sure... but it's a move in the right direction regardless. I think this fill might give me a little of the restriction I need. And if not, my butt will be back for another in 2 weeks!
Hope you have a great weekend as well!! (I watching the Hurricane coverage again and I am sitting here crying - AGAIN. I must remove myself from this coverage over the weekend! Are you going to the fireworks?)

Good morning ladies,
When I went for my 2nd consult with Dr. Curry last week I was freaked out to see that the garage was automated. I asked the lady in registration and she gave me a token slip. I will have to remember to ask every time I go to get a token!
Melissa, thanks for the heads up concerning that *%@* machine takes only certain bills! I hate those $#@*@ machines!
I go for my upper GI tomorrow morning. I am crossing my fingers that nothing is wrong, so I can rest assured I will have surgery on the 30th!
My SO and I went to the fireworks last night. We live on 18th and Greenup in Covington, and walked back and forth to them! The exercise is good
Have a nice holiday