New Pictures
[email protected] and hold on, cause they are always behind.
and sorry I will send those photo's I have of you when I get home later. I've just been soooo busy, signed up at a new gym, the water aerobic's class is ONLY for those extremely overweight, I missed out again, my trainer told me "nope". Well bummer, but I can go in and swim laps if I want. OMG, there are so many hot bods at this place, I just do my thing and watch the butt's, great scenery!

By no means UGLY! Ya just aren't smiling like you usually do. I wondered about that when I saw your pic. Get that bad boy changed!
How the heck are ya Laura?
I've been much better since the convention. I went home and started to look seriously at my food addictions and what I need to "git er done".
That compression garment that I bought is fabulous. It makes me look like I've already had the plastic surgery.
talk to ya soon,

Hi Laura, Vickie and Suzie!! I hope you guys are well.
Suzie, I'm glad you like your compression garment. I wanted to buy one, but too expensive right now. My skin is already hanging. And, I would like to do land aerobics, but I don't want to sound like 500 couples having sex. Anyway, maybe I can save some money and get one later. I hope to see you all again soon!!