9/25 Cincinnati Lunch! Come join us!
A few of the bandsters (and pre-bandsters) are getting together for lunch on Sunday, September 25th. We'll probably meet about 1ish at Mimi's Cafe in the Deerfield Commons shopping center. It's on Mason Montgomery Road off of Fields Ertel. All are welcome (RNY, bandsters, what the heck ever!), we hope you'll join us!
Tasha - hope this works for you - I really want you to be there!
Hey Cathy,
It's north of Fields Ertel on Mason Montgomery. Will you be coming across 275 to 71? If so, the 71N Fields Ertel exit will let you off on Mason-Montgomery Road. You will turn left and there will be a huge shopping complex a mile and a half or so up the road on your left. Can't miss it. Mimi's is at the end of the complex and is a GREAT place. They have low-fat and low-carb stuff too.
I can get better directions - I'll work on that!

Hi Melissa
Thanks for inviting everyone! I have to check my schedule, but I may be in town that weekend. I have my 3 mos appt with Dr. C on the 24th, I think. I need to check. If I'm thinking about it right, I'm also staying for the support meeting and would be around to join you guys for lunch the next day. I'll call Charity tomorrow and see if I have me dates right. BTW, it was wonderful to get to meet you at the conference!