the WAITING is driving me crazy!
Dear all,
I need some of your good vibes this week!! My insurance company is still deciding whether to pay for this surgery or not. I am calling every day and they keep saying that it is still "open." Please say a prayer for me. I believe in the power of prayer, and hoping to increase the communication. Thank you all very very much! This site has kept me sane! I appreciate all of your feedback and wisdom. I hope to help others as you all have helped me! IF I could just get this surgery!!!
Thank you,
I have Medical mutual super med Classic. It is thru my husbands Union. From What I have found out on my insurance. I am waiting myself for an answer. I have had to send them tons of info. I had to have at least 2 Co Morbities health issues. And a bmi of 40. I just finished my 6 month diet they told me that was all I needed. As long as you have meet all the criterias and followed thu with the 6 month supervised diet you will have no problem with them. There are different criterias medical mutual. It depends on your coverage with medical mutual. They will not waive the 6 month diet for nothing.. Good luck with them. Waiting does drive you batty.
Take Care
I wasn't aware that you had to be over 40 BMI for five years. My problem is that I have dieted and lost over an over again, so my records do not show that I was over 40 every time that I was weighed in at the doctor's office (usually during my yearly exam). I am really scared now. We have the same kind of insurance (I have medical mutual super med plus) ..... getting really nervous here.......

I think the recovery from the surgery is the easy part. The most stressful part for me was the agonizing wait from the insurance company. It still made no sense to me that they would cover 8 hospitalizations at least a year with congestive heart failure, big expensive tests, more medications each time I would be hospitalized. But then make you jump through hoop after hoop to get the surgery that could alleviate all those trips to the hospital and make you a healthier less costly consumer.
I really do think it is discrimination in its worst kind.
Just know Rich and all the others still waiting, that it will happen someday and you will have that life that you have always wanted. You will be able to ride those roller coasters, and walk from a far parking spot at Walmart, and not have to put your seat so far back you cant reach the gas pedals.
Just try and be patient and keep BELIEVING it will happen.. It took me 2 years to finally get my approved. But I never stopped writing letters, making phone calls, bugging my PCP to intervene. You just have to want it bad enough to be the squeekiest of wheels. LOL
I will keep all of you who are anxiously awaiting approval in my prayers. May God give you the strength to keep the faith that it will be approved, and you will grow stronger and healthier each and every day.
Love and hugs,
I'm also playing the waiting game with my insurance co.(Anthem Federal blue HMO). Shannon at OSU faxed all of my info to them on Aug 5. I called on Aug 12 to confirm that they had received it and they said yes and assigned me a case number and encouraged me to call back. I called Anthem again on Fri Aug 26 and they said that somehow my folder was sent to underwriting and lost. Shannon refaxed my info (she is such a wonderful gal) and I called Anthem later Fri to confirm that they received it and they were very apologetic. I could not beleive that this was happening to me, I have been so nervous and anxious awaiting news from them and now I must start over. So I am now set back 3 - 4 more weeks. Please help me get through this!
Thanks Josie