new to the board surgery sept 6
hello everyone I am new surgery is scheduled for Sept 6 I am excited and nervous at the same time. Currently I am doing a liquid preop diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery...and well I was doin great but pretty much fell off track the past 2 days I don't know if its the presurgery jitters or what tommorrow is a new day and I will get back on track has anyone else done the liquid diet presurgery and any suggestions or encouragement to get through it?
My surgeon didnt require any special diet pre op, so I really cant give you any advice on how to get through it. Except just start over tommorow and do your very best to stay on it. The liquid diet post op is easy to stay on because you have your new tummy. But I cant imagine trying to satisfy your hunger on liquids pre op..
Congrats on your approval and your surgery date. Soon you will be on the losing side, and hang on for the ride of your life!!!
Hello Karen, Congrats on surgery date and good luck and best wishes. My surgery is sceduled for October 11th. I am very nervous, excited and a little scared also. Unlike you my doctor didnt require me to do a preop liquid diet but have been trying to watch what i eat. God Bless and my thoughts will be with you on the day of your surgery. Jackie

hey Karen welcome and congrats on your surgery date who is doing your surgery? i did the liquid diet in 89 medifast 5 shakes a day wasnt too bad i like not having think about what my next meal was took alot of focus off of food i have to do it for 2 weeks to prior to surgery also it helps to shrink the liver and makes it easier for the doc to move around in there ... good luck to ya this board is a wonderful place for advice and support Missy

Hi Karen,
I am scheduled to have my surgery on Monday, August 29th. My doctor is only requiring straight liquids the day prior to surgery. I just wanted to say congratulations and good luck to you. I know that when having "lap" surgery they require liquid for a longer term, so it helps shrink the liver and they can manuever better.
God Bless, Lisa