Need Info University Hospital Sept. Support Meeting
I was supposed to receive information on the Sept. Support meeting at University but the office has not sent me anything. Could someone tell me when and what time, what building...etc..I sure want to go but I am going to have to take the trip alone in my junky van. I am still begging my family to take me...Keep your fingers crossed for me.
The september support group is meeting on the 12th from 6-730 pm
in the bolwell building conference room A.
here is a link to the info on it
i will be there also sometimes it pays to be early me when i say this though sit close to the front.i didnt and a tall guy sat in front of me and i couldn't see
any questions please email me and i'll see what i can do to help.
plus u can always call nichole and ask her something. if u need her direct line i have it
richard w

The meeting at UH is on the first Monday of the month @ 6 p.m. It will last approximately one and a half hours......they usually give you a voucher for free parking. It is in the Bolwell building. They have signs posted throughout the hospital to point the way.
I may see you there! I am a post-op but still like to come to the pre-op meetings. I learn a lot from both meetings and it keeps me on track!
p.s. Nicole had surgery. Not sure if she is back at her job or not....
i'd say go ahead and park in the cornell garage and just goto the lerner building and look for the signs about the meeting.I plan to get there about 5:30pm that night just to make sure i find the room.not sure where it is i mam gonna ask nichole about it when i talk to her about my insurance answer.