Hi Yall
Mornin Suz!
. I have had a good start so far. Went to the school to help clean up from the presale. The PTO president who is in charge of cleanup didn't show up so Here I am back home with my computer. I love fall too. Apple picking time YAY!!! We will for sure be going to the apple farm when the Cortlands are rips. YUM!!! That is a tradition for us. We go every year with the kids. Have since they were babies. IT smells so good there and we always have a picnic after we pick the apples. I adore my kiddos but will be relieved to have school start again. YAY...Mom time!!!! You share wise words. We all do have our battles. Do you ever drive through your neighborhood and see strangers outside in their yards and wonder what their story is??? I bet if we were flys on the wall we could learn a lot from watching another person's life unfold. Okay, here I go being all introspective now. Hope you have a great weekend. I will be picking through my junk to prepare for a garage sale next week. I am hoping to make a decent amount of $$ to buy more clothes that fit.(I know, I know...Stay away from that plus size section or Suzie will slap my hand. LOL)