Hi Yall
Hi Ohio folks, just thought I would pop in here and say howdy. Today is a beautiful day and it looks like Fall is right around the bend. Kids are back in school and football starts this weekend. I LOVE FALL>
I love the crisp air, the smells, the colors and the activities associated with it.
Hope this finds you all well and being good losers.
Let me leave you with this:
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Love to all,

My favorite season is fall. the cool air and colors, and fall decorations, but my favorite thing has to be the craft and apple festivals. I love the Johnny Appleseed Festival in Fort Wayne, Ind., if you have never been, it is well worth the drive. Also Christmas in October in Findlay is FANTASTIC!, as well as the Grabill Fair in Grabill Indiana.
Johnny appleseed its only 2years old, from what I understand.
The show ends the 27 of this month, I believe. Wonderful show,
type in outdoor dramas and it should come up .
the main link is something like seejohnnyappleseed but I'm not 100% sure.
it's in Ashland right off of 71 and Route 30. Not hard to find.
Fall use to be my favorite time of the year now it reminds me of my wedding and my brothers death and laid off from job. So I am going to say spring is my new favorite time of the year. A chance to start anew.
Corney I know. But thats me Corney Julie

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Love to all,
I really needed to hear that today.. I am having some family problems right now and it reminded me that I am not alone in my battle.
I wanna go back to Cinci and Kings Island!!!!!!!!! No Worries.. Just fun and friends..