Well, I went to the gyno ...
Well, I went to the gyno yesterday to finally get to the bottom of this problem. I had the scare of my life and never prayed so hard. As you girls know this is most embarrassing moment in our lifes. He did his thing(ugh) andwithin 30 seconds he sat me up and said he felt something large and abnormal.(a lump), I have known this doctor for years and we are friends. I have never seen a doctor so nervous. He didnt check anything else because I had to go to hia other office,right that second and have an ultra sound. After that he wanted me to call DH and come back and talk to him. Very scary. I left his office and prayed ,cried and was just sick KNOWING I had ovarien cancer. When I got to the other office across town,they were jammed. They took me immiately,which scared me and did their thing. She was so mean and uncaring. She wouldnt tell me a thing and made sure I didnt see the screen. I kept leaning up and she would move it so I couldnt see it. What a BIT__. Anyway after that she called Dr.Silver and he talked to me. Guess what,God was with me again. No tumer and guess what it was. Gross is coming.......Impacted bowel. I had just gone that morning too. He said I have a ton more to get out. I dont know how to do it. It is all pushing on my other organs and making me hurt like hell, and very very sick. I feel very lucky that I finally have a doctor that really cares,and he does. I have tried laxitives and nothing. I really thought I was ok in this area. NOT...The reason I shared my story today is this could happen to anyone. I have a long day today of getting this to happen. Thanks for listening and dont let this happen to any of you. Love, Cindy
Praise God it was not cancer! I take two tablespoons of Benefiber daily and two tablespoons of flax seed oil daily. I also get 60+ grams of protein daily and 64 ounces + of water. I don't usually have a problem in this area but yesterday, at work of all places, I was very constipated but it did finally pass. I cannot really advise you here, other than sharing what I do and suggesting perhaps Dulcolax but I would ask my doctor about any oral remedy. Good luck with this and I hope this is resolved soon....... I plan to attend the meeting tomorrow night and was wondering if any of you guys were going to a restaurant after the meeting. If so, where and may my dh and I tag along? xo, Nancy M/Drainbamaged
Hi Nancy
I am a member of the butterfly group you mention here..your DH is always welcome to come to our meetings or any outting we may have. I believe the support people in our lives are the most important.
I am not sure about going out for dinner tomorrow night bu****ch the butterfly board where you someone will answer.
Our meetings are held at the old Bethesda hospital off Wm Howard Taft Rd. we will be discussing the conference and sharing with people who were not able to attend. Please join us for the discussion.
Cindy so glad all is ok with you...i know you were suffering last week..what a relief to know it's fixable!!
See you there
Cindy, I have had problems with constipation off and on since my surgery and I swear by 2 things. FF microwave popcorn and Gerber baby prunes. If I eat a thing of the prunes I am always better by the next day. I eat 3 popped cups of pop secret microwave popcorn every night before bed and it really helps keep things moving along. I hope you feel better soon. I am glad I got to meet you in person last weekend. Hopefully next time I get more of a chance to speak with you and get to know you a little better.
What a scarey day. The nurse that did the test was not alloud to let you see or know nothing because she really doesnt know. I hate those kind of witchy nurses I just dealt with one the other day. So Rude. They are paid good money and hate their job and takes it out on the patience.
I am a full beleiver in yearly pap test and breast excamines. I know they are hard to do but they could save your life. I am so glad you did not have cancer. Cancer runs in our family. My mom had breast cancer at 42. It can happen at any age. She did live thru it and had one breast removed. At that young age she took it very hard. She did not like what happened to her body. She did die with sleep apne at age 58 . She was not even overweight. Died in her sleep. nobody knows when they are going to die. So we all need to take care of our selves and get those yearly check ups. Yearly Mamagrams. Cindy so glad you have a great dr. That really takes a ease off. He will take care of you. He took that lump very serious.
And that is what we all need.
Take Care With a hug
I am so glad you are okay, how incredibly scary! My friend was just hospitalized for the same issue, so thank heavens they are able to treat you at home. Take it easy and get that doctor to give you some good stuff that will keep you on track.
Also - I will send you the pictures very soon! They are on my mom's computer and I will be sure to email them the next time I see her. Sorry it's taking so long!
Take it easy and get some rest!
The scary part is you could have developed a bowel obstruction or obstipation as we call it in the business. The other posters gave you some good ideas to add fiber into your diet. I would try it if I were you. Bowel obstructions are nothing to sneeze at, are they? You didn't even have one, just close and look how bad you felt.
Thanks for sharing as any of us could have the same problem! Good learning opportunity for all.
See ya!