3mths. and 50 lbs.but.....

I really think some husbands like us fat because they feel safe in the marriage. They act like we married them because we couldn't get anyone else. Just asure him how much you love him and he will come around. He is very scared probably of losing you. I have read so many books on this and it is very common. Ask him how he thinks you look. You are very lucky you feel so well . Enjoy it and don't feel lucky,feel blessed. Good luck on this very exciting
time on your journey and keep up the good work, Love,Cindy
Getting a good exercise routine started now will help you a lot in the long run. At the OH event one thig I consistently heard the professionals say is that if you want your success to be life-long. You must include exercise in your routine. The weight may be coming off easily right now, but farther out, it will get harder and if the good habits aren't in place by then, you will have to work a lot harder. Large people have high metabolisms in most cases, believe it or not. If you exercise, you have the advantage of keeping that higher metabolism as you lose weight and it gives you a big advantage. If you don't exercise, you begin to lose muscle and muscles burn fat and obviously you want to burn the fat. Since your muscle is responsible for burning fat, if you lose muscle, you lose that fat burning capacity. Also, you need to remember that your heart and other vital organs are made mostly out of muscle tissue. This is the main reason anorexics end up having heart attacks. Your body is not selective about which muscles it burns off for energy. By exercising and getting in adequate protien, you are insuring that you don't cause serious damamge to your heart. Just thought this would help you understand how important exercise is in the whole process. Hope this helps.