Now the waiting starts
I recieved a call back from my psychologist and he acted surprised that the hospital hadn't recieved my evaluation, he faxed it to them while i was on the phone. I called the hospital this morning and they said they recieved it and was sending it to my insurance today.They also said with my insurance they should know the answer no later than this friday!!!!!!!
I'm just so excited!!! plus i had a dr. visit with my pcp and lost another 8 pounds since last month( i know its now alot but for me its alot)
wish me luck please
Richard W
sue if u read this i'm planning on going to the sept. group meeting

Great! I am so glad that you got your answers! The hardest part of the whole process is the waiting! Believe me you will look back at this and it will be all a blur! After the surgery you will relax and live for today and not worry about tomorrow.
I should be able to get to the pre-op meeting in September. I have a grandson that is going to make his entrance to the world on the 12th but that is the week between pre and post-op meetings. Isn't that considerate of him?! My daughter lives near Cincy so it will be a hike but wouldn't miss his birth for anything! He is #4 and I was there when the other 3 grands were born (not all to the same daughter...this is her third).
You soon will be a loser! See you in 2 weeks! AND congrats on the 8 pound loss! You will be very happy that you lost before your surgery! I lost around 70 pounds prior to my surgery! I am at a grand total of 126 now!
When your dealing with insurance companys you need luck, Faith, Prayers, and then you need respect and honest answers. Then you need this little devil
To take control. That will learn them.
Waiting can be very hard and emotionally draining you. I waited this time for now 9 Months. I am waited again. I will have my answer next week. I think they no to leave this
alone. They have pulled on me long enough. I dont think there is anything the can do to me.
I did what they ask. I have meet all crtiterias . My insurance does cover the the bypass. So In my eyes. I am in my final weeks.
And they know not to mess with me. because last time was not a pretty site. I think they want to get rid of me to shut me up.
Buy the way a good surgeon does help. I got that to.