I'm weak...
I'm so upset, I need help and don't know where to get it.
Now that I'm on regular foods (I'm 8 weeks post-op) I nibble a little here and a little there. I know not to graze all day! I know I need to move more! I know these things, and yet...my job involves sitting at a desk all day.
I went to a local "support group" and it wasn't what I needed/wanted. It was a bunch of post-op people talking in lots of little groups, but I need a structured meeting, where only one person speaks at a time.
ObesityHelp has been the biggest help to me so far, but I need physical interaction with people, not just the keyboard.
In fact, I wish I had people to walk with, talk with, cry with, laugh with, exercise with, bike with, and even go bowling!!!
I'm not living in 100% compliance with my "instructions" post-op and I need some HELP!!!!!!!! I find myself snacking because I get so darn hungry, my two tummies rumble if I don't get something small. I want to lose 75# before my trip in October, and I've only lost 25 pounds in 2 months, I'm very very discouraged and sad.
I live on the Akron side of the Akron/Canton border...There are post-op people around me, so let's all get together and go out and support each other. Let's start in my livingroom, I'll serve Crystal Light!!
Also, please don't reiterate that there's a support group by me on a week night, I know this...I work second shift and can't go to it!!!

Sister I feel you, and wish I was there so we could do all that together. What about OA, I know you had a group before, and even though you've had WLS, we still have to deal with breaking the addiction. It's hard and you know who you don't want to be like...don't make me say her name...but even with that...we both know she might not have followed all the rules, but she still had successes. So don't beat yourself up, set small goals, like going outside on your break and taking a walk around the parking lot.
Sending you a bunch of hugs,
Hey Julie im sorry your having a rough time i am a pre op so i dont have a whol lot of advice just support .. are you getting your protien in ? that seems to be the key from all i have seen and read.. also have you called summa to see what kind of support they might have ? i know i need to do that myself and i probably should be going pre op but im kinda putting it off .. if ya need to talk im not to far and can be there if ya need someone ...Missy

Hello my friend!!!
I was so happy to see a post from you thismorning. You just hang in there!!! I now live in WV, however here is my phone number: 304-442-4999 call me!!!! We can talk at anytime day or night. The next trip I make to Ohio we will have to make plans to meet up. Now as for the weight loss, 25lbs is a good start! I was told by Dr. Barbara that I should be eating every two hours. He recommends snacking amounts, like peanut butter on two crackers, half a cup of yogart, a little tuna salad. Keep healthy things on hand. By eating real small amounts every two hours it keeps a little food in your pouch which will help with the hunger. I have not experienced any hungery feeling in my pouch, just in my head! That is the hardest hunger to deal with, espically with what all I have went through lately. Check into getting a councelor someone who is familiar with the Bypass surgery. Or call the nutritionist at Barix explain to them you are snacking more than what you think is good for you, and they will help you. (Barix is soooo great) I wish I was still in Ohio, I would be willing to travel at least once a month for a little one on one with you and other Bypass peoples. I have not found a support group out here yet, I am still trying to find a good PCP. But for now we have the board. Now.... make sure your getting your water and protein in, also are you taking a B12 vitamin? The B12 really helps with energy. I have not been walking very much here lately, however I am going to start taking walks. I want to find a commen time each day that I can schedule myself some me time. It is no fun to walk alone, however I plan to use a walkman and listen to upbeat music. You hang in there! this will work for you. Tell you Mom I said hello, I cant wait to hear from you.
Big Hugs,
It was nice getting to meet you at the convention. Please feel free to email me anytime.. I will be there for you. My Dr told me the slower you lose the weight, the less problems you will have with the excess skin. So take that as a positive approach. It will give your skin a chance to bounce back into place if you lose slowly. Any amount of weight loss is a success.
Make sure you are getting all your proteins in, right them down in case you wonder. Also make sure you are drinking tha****er.... I feel that is what keeps me from ever feeling hungry. I sit at my desk all day too... I try to get up and move even if I don't have anywhere to go.. just to take a walk to the bathroom. I am trying some of the things Evan stated at the convention like holding my stomach in and sitting up straight.
Just hang in there..we will be here to catch you....
Take care...