Update on Me
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to post and let everyone know how I am doing. So far everything is going great! I love being in West Virginia. The view is soooo wonderful. I have found a new job
It will start next month. I called Barix and got my results mailed to me from my 3 month blood work, and (drum roll please) EVERYTHING WAS GREAT!!! All my levels were where they needed to be. However, I have started to loose some hair. One scary moment= I was combing my hair and the sink became covered. When I went to clean it up it filled my two hands, but just very small amounts since the one day. I finally got me a car !!!
I got a 2002 nissan sentra w/ only 13000 miles. I am really pleased with it. I have had to get use to a lot of changes, and so far everything is going great! I weighed myself a few days ago and was at 220 lbs. I am now wearing a size 18 in pants, but they are loose, so very soon I will be in a size 16. My personal goal would be to wear a size 11/12. I get so many compliments on how great I am doing. It really helps keep me motivated. Even though I am not into the dating scene (right now) It feels so good to have hansome men flirt with me. I blush like a little school girl.
It is strange how love works! I did meet a a wonderful man. However like I said things are going to have to go very slow, just too much happening right now. I have been praying a lot these days, and it seems like I have a direct communication open with God. I love that feeling. Yes, it is true, God does still answer prayers! I really miss everyone on the board. +++Connie, email me...I miss you, I changed my email adress on my profile so it will come to me++++ Even though I am not in Ohio anymore, this is my home on this board. Everyone please keep me in your prayers, for once I can say, with tears in my eyes, LIFE IS GOOD, and I thank God everyday for that.
Big Hugs to everyone!!!!
Dont forget to drink, drink, drink, take your meds, get in your protein, and drink some more.

It is good to hear from you. I am happy that you are doing well. Just know I am here for you if you need a friend. Congrats on doing well with your weight loss. I am also in the stages of "shedding". I am losing some hair too. I am just trying to increase my protein and taking some extra biotin.
Hang in there.... Take Care!
It sounds like everything is falling into place in your life right now. I couldnt be any happier for you. Life is funny like that, when you least suspect meeting someone special, there he is .. Whooo Hooo.. Have some fun and make up for lost time..
Sorry about the hair loss, I am also losing that as well, and getting a little freaked out about it. But I am taking the vitties, and doing everything I am supposed to and even massaging my scalp now and hopefully it will slow down. I would hate to finally get a good body and look like Sinead O Conner. LOL
Love ya Girly,