psych question
I finished my last psych eval on august 10, and the dr. told me that he would send out the letter the next day.Well i called the hospital and they still havent recieved the letter, can you tell me how long it took your letter to arrive at the drs. office(surgeon). the surgeons office told me that right now they are scheduling surgeries for oct. right now.I need to get this done before the end of year, my policy will end up getting the $10,000 cap on it!!!!!!!!! When i called the psycologists office the voicemail said they she is out of office untill august 29th!!!!! I dont know if i should try to go down there and try to see the dr. and see whats going on... its either that or wait till the 29th when his secretary comes back. any sujestions are welcome
richard w.

It took mine around 2 weeks. But he really had everything documented the correct way. There is alot more to it than just a note. Mine was like 2 pages long. I called everyday. I bugged them. They finally told me to come in and pick it up it was ready.
I was very impressed with the quality of the letter. It gives the insurance company and dr very detailed imformation about your state of mind. And how you will be able to deal with the surgery and the changes in your life. And the big change in eating habits. I was ask like 200 questions
Take Care
Hi Rich,
I took mine about 2-3 weeks. I guess it depends on who you go to. It took about 6 weeks for all my tests etc. to come back before Nicole sent it to my insurance. I think if you remind her about the cap she will do everything she can to make sure that it is approved on time. I would check and make sure that if it is approved prior Jan. 1st....does the cap still apply. It may not.
Good luck!
Oh wow. I really feel for you, Richard.
If they are out of the office, would going there do anything? I guess it's worth a try...
It is more than a letter though, in most cases. Mine was a cover letter (which was 2 or 3 pages long), and a report or two from the tests that I took.
With me though, I just had my counselor that I see about twice a month, run all the tests. She then had her supervising Psychologist sign off on the report. I was able to take the entire thing home, and send it to my surgeon along with all my other paperwork needed for insurance approval.
What insurance company do you have?
Have you gotten approval yet? Who will be your surgeon? How long is his/her waiting list?
For my surgeon, I had to get insurance approval, and then they had to wait until they got the approval letter... THEN I could finally schedule a date for my surgery. And THEN, my surgeon's waiting period is 3 months! (I got my date at the very beginning of June, and my date isn't until the end of September!) Talk about nerve wrecking.
Anyway, I sure hope that you have a much easier time getting in there, and are able to before that 10k cap is put in effect.
For now,