AWOL!!!! I am back...
Hi my most beloved second family!
I have been gone for so long, I just don't know where to start!! First let me say how much I have missed you all and especially my group at OSU. You all are my life blood and you never know how important this type of thing until you go without.
I have soooo many new changes going on in my life. First, I have returned back to school, and Lordy let me tell you now I remember why I dodged Algebra like the plague....but I found out really quick that it does find you no matter how hard you hide!
So, this next week I take my first college final since 1998. I am glad to be going back to school, having my BSN and ultimately my MSN will open many more doors for me and help me get to my ultimate goal of working with Bariatric Patients.
Second, in order to facilitate my job and my kids, I have accepted a Staff Nurse position with the medical center and will be working 7a to 7p on Fri Sat and Sun...leaving me off M-Th which will be time to go back to school and be there for my girls. I have two high school chicky's who are active in school. I need to be there for them as well.
I missed my patients. I missed the teaching and providing care. I am so excited about going back. It is a surgical step down unit. How exciting for me.
My mono girl finally got over mono, had her tonsils out then had kidney stones!!!! I think she is finally over the worst. So, that kept me occupied too!
Whew, ok, I think that's about enough for now. Lots of other stuff too, but you know, ramble ramble ramble...
Just so you know, I have missed you all so much and I am glad to be able to finally get back on line with everyone!
I hope I get to see a bunch of you all tomorrow!

Welcome Back.... I have missed you. I was just wondering about you this morning on my way to work.
I am sure you will do well on your final tomorrow. Will you be at support group next week?
Glad your daughter is doing so much better.
I have just been hanging out and losing weight and gaiining more confidence than I know what to do with.
Talk to you soon, Julie
Yeah, me too!
School, kids work, I just got piled under. I think after tweaking things around I will be able to get back to what matters most to me.
I am sorry I didn't get a chance to find you. I would have looked for you had I checked the board before I left!
I thought it was an OK conference. I missed hearing Bo speak. He is such a dynamic speacker, I think that a lot of people who haven't heard him missed out.
Oh well, maybe next time