I feel like damaged goods!
Someone please answer, I'm getting worried. I feel like damaged goods!
I just got word today that my current insurance (UHC) ahd denied me for WLS and after reading everything there is on this site about my chances of getting my UHC exclusion overturned, I've decided I'm not likely to win and I dont want to take the time needed and then lose anyway....
So, today I met with an agent who has Anthem Blue Access which is supposed to be a good company for WLS. I can sign my husband's company up with this new plan but I am worried about something...
When we sign on to the Anthem plan, the agent said we need to provide among other things, a copy of our current insurance bill.
I've recently completed all the preliminary testing...psyc, nutricianist, PCP, sleep test...for getting approved. Wont Anthem suspect that I am up to something and planning for a big surgery and possible turn down our applications for this reason?
In case it didnt make sense, my husband owns the company and we'd be dropping UHC and taking on Anthem for his employees and me.

HI RS, I don't know what the insurance company will think. I just wanted to say that I also have UHC and they did pay for my surgery. Maybe do some investigating with them and find out why you were denied. It could be that the plan your husband is carrying has a clause that denies the surgery. Since your husband owns the company you could change the clause in the existing insurance. Just a thought. Best of luck to you. Deb
Hi Debbie, I was denied because there is an exclusion in our policy. I already tried to get WLS added and according to our agent, there is no rider that can be added that will cover it. The only thing we can do is pick a new UHC policy once it is time to renew the policy which wont be until next June. I dont want to wait that long for sure. That's what I was told anyway. Of course our agent also told me that "no one covers this surgery anymore because people go and have it and then within two years, they gain all the weight back!" I basically told him he didnt know what he was talking about. What a moron!