12 days post-op help
I am 12 days post and the nausea will not go away I am wearing the patch behind my ear for it but it will not go away nothing tastes good anything I drink makes my stomach turn worse and I have cried my eyes out at the drop of a hat for the past 2 days it is like worse than post pardum depression I have lost over 30lbs and I have no energy I feel like I do a couple of things and then I am all wiped out I walked through walmart yesterday and when we left I was so nauseated I couldnt stand it I almost feel like if I could just throw up I might feel better does anyone have any advise please????? is all of this normal? does it get better? when will it be better?

Have you talked to your surgeon? He may have some ideas. I had to call mine today because My pill got stuck in my stoma and I felt like I was having a heart attack. The hormones are all messed up. I cried my eyes out over having to order pizza for the kids Friday p.m., then to add insult to injury I had to make brownies for one of the kid's party on Saturday. Talk about depression, I understand where you're coming from. I've used the queasy pops for nausea. Hang in there. We'll make it through!

Hi Cindy.
I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. I just had surgery on 7/28 and have been very lucky to have not had any naussea. I have read a lot of posts on the July surgery message board about folks who are terribly nausseaus (sure I spelled that one wrong!!). What type of diet does your surgeon have you on? My nutritionist told me this week that if anything makes me sick to go back to full liquids.
I am still home fighting with the exhaustion. I have only lost about 20 pounds but feel like the life has been sucked out of me. I know this will get better but it sure stinks while you are putting up with it.
Hang in there and feel free to e-mail me. I love chatting with folks who have had surgery around the same time as me

I think you should call your surgeon and let him know exactly whats going on. I had a very similar situation in my first 2 weeks post op. I was severely depressed and full of anxiety. I cried about anything and everything. My Dr prescribed a very low dose antianxiety medication ( 1 mg) and once I got the anxiety under control the rest fell into place. And I was on the road to healing emotionally and physically. Please dont be embarrassed to ask for help. Cindy, I was borderline suicidal and totally sure I had made a huge mistake about the surgery. I felt my lover was gone forever ( FOOD) and I would be an outcast at all family get togethers. But Cindy the changes you have to make are not the end of the world. And once you heal and you can begin working out and seeing your body change on a daily basis this will all make sense to you. But please reach out to the Dr for some help with the emotional aspect of what you are going through. That little blue one mg anxiety pill saved my sanity and got me feeling like myself again.
If you need to talk please feel free to e mail me. You are not alone, and others of us have been where you are.
Love and hugs
Please follow everyone's advice and contact your surgeon's office. There are several things that could be causing this and several types of treatment to help you.
Don't suffer in silence...speak openly to your Dr.
Laura is correct, many of us have "been there, done that". Things WILL get better.
I know just how you feel.. I went threw the same thing for my first 2 months out.. I wore the patch behind the ear and I had no energy while wearing it. I had a side effect of blurred vision from it.. The reason for no energy was because I was not getting enough protein in daily due to be so nauses. I does get better as the days go by.. If you are really concerned about it check with your surgeon and find out what can be done to help... Congrads on your loss so far you are doing great, so don't let this get you down and get your protein in first... Take care and God Bless...