Pre-Op Question
Ok I have nine days before my surgery.
I have been on a low fat diet since July 12th.
I just started, Friday, a soft food/liquid diet (doctor doesn't say I need to but want to make liver healthy
) Now I have been adding protein powder to any food that I can and still taking a multi vitiman. I would like to start the biotin and sub lingual B12 but not sure if I should. Or even how much of the biotin.
Any one know if it would hurt or help? Just want to make sure before I do and yes I will call the surgeon on Monday
just to make sure.

Good luck with your surgery! You will be sooo happy that you had it!
As far as the biotin and b-12....if you have too much in your system you will eliminate it in your urine. You will notice that it is very bright yellow if you are taking too much. I get a b-12 shot and take the sublingual gives me a lot of energy!
I'll put you in my prayers for a safe and speedy recovery!