Off Topic.. Need your help
Laura sorry but LOL i have 2 girls 6 and almost 3 sooo i can so relate i would definatly look IN the furniture i have a chair and couch that love to eat remotes and phones ... if he has any toyboxes ... dump em trash cans are a good one ... in drawers ... can ya tell i spend alot of time lookin for stuff !!!LOL were you guys outside ? if so thats a whole other set of places hmmm behnd the tv kitchen cupboards are a good one if he likes to play in those ... ill keep thinkin for ya good luck
Take Care Missy

My 2 year old granddaughter puts everything in the diaper bag and just takes everything home. Did you call and ask yet? I love these babies. I am almost on no.6.....10,6,4,2 and 2...wild over here when they are all here. Right now I am missing my calculater that fits in the crystal base. I have the base but the main part is gone. Oh well,it will show up somewhere.