Laura May?
I didnt get any responses, so I might be hitchiking a ride to Cincy. With the price of gasoline, I just dont think I can do it on my own, as much as I want to meet everyone.
Its just been majorly difficult for me this summer $$... After being off for the surgery, babysitting for my daughter ( and then finding out JBFS) was only going to pay me for 2 weeks of the summer, car problems, reduction in child support. We havent had 2 nickels to rub together. And now after my son being in football practice all month long they decided they have to pay to play and want them to have a certain type of $90.00 cleat. ARGH.. ENough whining. If I can get there I will be there, and I will be so thrilled to put the faces with the words. I cant wait. So keep sending some good traveling vibes for me. I think I might go to my moms overnight friday in Cols. And then drive early to cinci and then home on Saturday night. I am trying my best to be able to go to Kings Island with you all. I wanna see if I can fit in the roller coasters again. It would be my first BIG WOW moment.
I am having a rough night tonight sleeping.. Keep dreaming about being in Disney World and not being allowed to ride the rides. Hmmm wonder what thats about..LOL
Sleep tight