one week post op
well it is over and done was done on august 2nd I am still really sore and I have realized everything tastes like crap and the things that do sound good to me I am not allowed to have yet and is it normal to have most of the pain under my left rib? I have been walking alot and 3 days ago I even went and walked all of walmart I have noticed I get tired really easy and still having nausea but I guess it is all normal it is weird because everyday I get up and the pain is a little better and I feel a little smaller I cant wait until next tuesday I get my staples out I think I am more anxious to see how much weight I have lost I have been so nauseated a couple of times it felt like something was going to come up but nothing would come up I had dry heaves is this normal?
Congrat's Cindy!
Woohoo, Your a looser! (stampin big L on yer forehead)
As I remember right, everything including water, tasted like crap for about the 1st 3 months. I hope it comes around sooner for you. It sounds like that pain there is normal, I couldn't say, I was anything but normal. (and
Very normal to get tired easily.. and the nauseau is too. Yep dry heaves too.. gross but.. wait, maybe they'll turn into the upping of mucus.. EVEN grosser! There's lot of gross stuff in your near future, but also lots of GOOD things too!

I'm right there with you. I'm a week and a day out. Each day is a little better. I'm moving a little better each day and even got my shower in the early a.m. today. I'm on full liquids and it's much better than clear liquids. I've been walking in the house and will try the yard today. We have two acres. I've got the pain meds down to just before I go to bed so I can sleep longer than a few hours. I still tire easily and really don't want to go back to work. My follow-up appointment is the 22nd.

Just hang in there and keep reminding yourself that it does get better and it happens pretty quickly. I was so depressed in those first few weeks I think everyone here was worried I was suicidal. I felt terrible, thought I had made a huge mistake. Nothing tasted remotely good and I thought it would be that way forever. But things get better, and once you see the fruits of your labor it gives you the incentive to get up and go and become a big old loser. I think its especially hard for you newbies with it being so miserable hot right now. I have been having trouble with feeling sick at my stomach a lot, and having a whooper of a headache.. So keep reminding yourself, you are early out and the weather is rotten. And it will get better soon.
And when that burst of energy hits you will be bouncing off the walls.
Love and hugs,
Well I know I feel alot of energy first thing in the morning and the pain is alot better I have actually loaded my dishwasher and started laundry this morning and I actually want to cook dinner for my family I have been walking alot and yesterday I was 8 days out and couldnt help it I had to weigh myself and I am down 23lbs is just 8 days wow and I am feeling the loss all over and it seems strange I feel like a different person I go in next tuesday to get staples out I will let you all know how it goes