2 days and counting
OK..so I have two days until surgery, Friday 8/12 and I must say I am really starting to get nervous
. I was wondering if any of you second guessed your decision to do this.
Not after but before. I know that once I'm on the loosing side I will be really happy, I just think my nerves are taking over. I know Dr. Curry is a wonderful surgeon and I know I will be fine. Anyway, I just needed to vent a little..THanks..Pam

I think everyone ask that question....Should I really do this?I asked myself that the whole time BEFORE. Now I KNOW I did the right thing. I have never been this happy. I went to Chicos again yesterday and I can wear such cute clothes. Its a wonderful decision. You are right , you are in great hands. Feel free to call me if you need to talk. I am here for you so please call. I will be thinking of you friday and how exciting the first 6 months are losing so much weight so fast. It is so much fun and also the health issues count for alot. Good luck Pam, you have waited a long time and now your turn. I am excited to hear how fast you are at the getting skinny thing. Its great
Hi Pam,
I am 13 days post-op and I had second, third and forth thoughts right up until the night before surgery. When I arrived at the hospital the day of surgery I felt like a burden had been lifted and that I was doing the right thing. I think my husband and mother were still having second thoughts but I was ready.
Try to relax and know that you have made this decision for a reason. You don't jump through all of the hoops if it isn't right for you. And you have a great surgeon!! I live in Columbus and wanted to keep things local but I would have chosen Dr. Curry in a heart beat!
Good luck! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I put my gown on, got on the bed and as they wheeled me down the hall my thoughts were "is it too late to jump up off this bed?" I knew I really didn't want to but the nerves were kicking. It was pretty amazing though how quick it went from there. I am also really happy to report that I am feeling pretty good and think I am 95% over my pnemonia, two weeks out today.
Good Luck!! My thoghts and prayers are with you!!!
Hugs - Stacey
Don't worry Pamela. You'll be a C-Vivor soon!! Not only did I have doubts right before, but I also had buyer's remorse afterwards. But lucky for both of us, we have a great dr who is many things, including soothing. If it wasn't right for you, he would have said so.
Hey Cindy - I just can't stop using your phrase!